Green Building Faculty (GBF) comprises nine groups of experienced experts who support the HKGBC and BEAM Society Limited (BSL), in forms of task force work related to green building initiatives, acting as members in BEAM Expert Panels, providing expert advice on green building related matters, adjudicating BEAM Plus Final Appeals and various other kinds of pro bono services.

Listen to what GBF members say about their work with the Council:


Expert Groups:


Selection Criteria:


Selection Process:
The Selection Panel involving representatives from the Green Labelling Committee of the HKGBC, the Technical Review Committee of BSL and Chairs of BEAM Expert Panels will select suitable candidates based on their qualifications and experience. Normally, meetings are held four times a year and the selection will be on a competitive basis. The decision of the Panel shall be final. Candidates will be notified of the selection results when available. HKGBC targets to process all GBF applications and notify the candidates within 60 working days (i.e. approximately 3 months).


How to Become a GBF Member:

Eligible candidates should submit the EOI Form online to the HKGBC.