The HKGBC has been dedicated to enhancing public understanding and awareness towards green buildings, and has established the “My Green Space” Student Competition since 2011. The overarching aim of the Competition is to educate the younger generation with green building knowledge, and nurture them into pioneers in promoting green building concepts. The Competition aims to:
- promote green building concepts and its related standards among the school community;
- nurture critical and creative thinking by providing training to the school community and encourage students to express their creative ideas on green building concepts;
- transfer knowledge on green building and its related standards to students and teachers; and
- induce students’ behavioural changes towards green lifestyle, and spread the ideas to their families and peers.
For more details of the competition, please click HERE.

Sponsorship for “My Green Space” Student Competition 2024-2025
The HKGBC is now cordially inviting interested organisations to become the Sole Sponsor of “My Green Space” Student Competition 2024-2025 and join hands together to nurture the next generation into future leaders in green building and sustainability development.
For details of the Sponsorship Package, please click HERE.
“My Green Space” Student Competition 2022-2023 Virtual Exhibition
From now until the end of 2024, you have the opportunity to discover how the winning students have incorporated comprehensive master planning, design, features, facilities, and carbon reduction strategies to envision exciting new low-carbon built environments. Visit the virtual exhibition now: