Mr Christopher DE LA CRUZ
Chief Executive Officer
Philippine Green Building Council, Inc.

Christopher DE LA CRUZ, a Filipino architect, advocates sustainability in business and industry. He campaigned for the establishment of the Philippine Green Building Council (PHILGBC) and became its founding chair. Currently, he serves as the Chief Executive Officer of PHILGBC.
He is one of the main proponents for the development of BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence) – the National Green Building Rating System.
Mr DE LA CRUZ has worked independently with public and private organisations that promote appropriate sustainable practices and strategies to urban and rural settings. His technical expertise includes design, evaluation and project management of environmental management projects. He has developed and delivered training sessions on environmental management and sustainable building for several organisations.
He actively contributes to several government programmes and committees and has provided opinion in the ongoing development of policy in the area of sustainability.
He is an active member of the United Architects of the Philippines and a board member of the Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines.