Executive Director
International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE)

Nils LARSSON is an architect and is Executive Director of the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), an international NGO. During the 1990's he developed the Canadian national C-2000 demonstration programme for high-performance buildings. The programme led to the first public adoption of the integrated design process (IDP).
Mr LARSSON was principal developer of SBTool, a system for assessing the sustainability performance of buildings used as an R&D platform in many universities. During 2015-19 he worked with European colleagues to develop a similar system (SNTool) to assess neighbourhood performance. SNTool was used by nine European urban governments in an EU-financed project, to establish performance targets for their local urban areas.
Mr LARSSON represents four international partners (CIB, iiSBE, FIDIC and UN Environment) in managing the SBE international series of conferences on sustainable built environment.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.