Executive Director
Green Building Council Indonesia

Mr SURENDRO has been involved in several activities related to innovation and sustainability since he was studying at a well-known institute in Indonesia in the solar electric car development team, and this continued when he worked in a semiconductor industry with the spirit of kaizen or continuous improvement to the QCC national competition. His desire to keep moving and contributing more broadly has encouraged him to join the Green Building Council Indonesia since 2014.
One of his roles to encourage innovation and sustainability is applied in the development of rating tools at GBC Indonesia. One of the main focuses lately is the development and implementation of the GREENSHIP Net Zero Healthy rating tool which is specifically made according to the conditions and main concerns in Indonesia by optimising natural ventilation and abundant sunlight so that energy demand can be reduced and also seeking the utilisation of renewable energy sources as a decarbonisation effort.
He received his education at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s in Physics Engineering. Currently, he serves as Executive Director at GBC Indonesia.