Ms Victoria Kate BURROWS
Advancing Net Zero
World Green Building Council

Victoria Kate BURROWS is Director of Advancing Net Zero, the pioneering WorldGBC global project to ensure that all buildings are “net zero” carbon by 2050. In this role, Ms BURROWS oversees and supports Green Building Councils participating in the project, as well as a number of other partnerships which provide funding and support, marketing and communications, and the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment.
With a strong background in the sustainable development industry, ranging from client side advisory services, green building rating tool consultancy, and an on-site Head of Sustainability for a major international contractor, Ms BURROWS brings a unique perspective to the Advancing Net Zero project.
Ms BURROWS has a degree in Architecture and Environmental Design from the University of Nottingham, and co-authored the book: "A Whole System Approach to High-Performance Green Buildings".