
Nan Fung Group Launches SEWIT Report 2023-24

Nan Fung Group is delighted to present its second sustainability report, SEWIT Report 2023-24. 

As the Group celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2024, Nan Fung continues to uphold its core value of “Do Good and Do Well, with Love” across businesses, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to creating a more sustainable and prosperous future. 

In 2022, Nan Fung established “SEWIT”, a sustainability framework for the entire company that engages all stakeholders around five strategic pillars: Social Cohesion, Environment, Wellness, Innovation and Technology. The Group has accelerated its efforts in weaving new dimensions of environmental and social impact. 

Social Cohesion
Nan Fung emphasises the importance of not only building communities among stakeholders but also contributing to societal prosperity. For the first time, the Group is reporting its social value creation with third-party verification, generating or facilitating a total of HK$24.3 million and over £939,000 worth of social value in Hong Kong (2023–24) and London (2022–24) respectively. 

Nan Fung has also accelerated its decarbonisation efforts. In February 2024, the near-term and long-term science-based targets (SBT) for Nan Fung Hong Kong property portfolio were validated and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), establishing the long-term decarbonisation goals for the Group that are in line with the Paris Agreement. 

The wellbeing and safety of everyone involved with Nan Fung are paramount. This year, the Group enhanced its wellness coverages, including expanded physical and mental health insurance coverage and comprehensive health checks. The first Group-wide Wellness Survey was conducted to gather feedback to improve its internal wellness initiative “SEWell Programme”, incorporating an impact mindset into the programme design whenever possible.

The ever-evolving global landscape has strengthened the Group’s drive to maintain a culture of innovation, both in the products & solutions as well as the entrepreneurial spirit. 21% of the Group’s tenants across major Hong Kong properties committed to the tenant-landlord engagement programme “Net Positive Lease”. The first Group-wide Hackathon was also conducted, generating innovative ideas with tangible follow-up.  

Nan Fung recognises the pivotal role of technology in shaping the future of the industry. The Group has launched an integrated data management platform and a tenant portal for major commercial properties in Hong Kong, providing tenants with real-time utility and sustainability data to enhance data transparency and accuracy. The AI and Data Sciences teams were also established to provide valuable data insights, identify emerging trends and uncover hidden opportunities. 

Welcome to read the report and share your feedback with Nan Fung Group at [email protected].

SEWIT Report Nan Fung Group's Sustainability Report - Nan Fung Group