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Alliance Construction Materials Ltd.
Alliance is the leading concrete and aggregates Total Solutions Provider in Hong Kong. Having grown hand in hand with Hong Kong since early 1960s, the company has evolved to be a joint venture owned by CK Infrastructure Holdings Limited (“CKI”) and HeidelbergCement since 2004. Embracing the international credentials and local expertise inherited from both CKI and HeidelbergCement, Alliance provides innovative, reliable and customer-focused solutions on ready mixed concrete and aggregates to meet the most demanding requirements of construction projects in Hong Kong. With a proven track record of more than half a century, the company are committed to delivering the best value for customers with its unrivalled technical expertise and production capability, strategically located concrete plants, sustainable rock reserves, strong logistic capability, digitalized processes and dedicated customer service team.
友盟是香港領先的混凝土及石料綜合方案供應商。公司自六十年代初與香港一起成長,並於2004年蛻變成為一家由長江基建集團有限公司(「長江基建」)與海德堡水泥 (HeidelbergCement) 所擁有的合資企業。公司融合了長江基建和海德堡水泥集團的國際背景、本地經驗及信譽,提供創新、可靠和因應客戶要求設計的預拌混凝土及石料方案,以滿足香港建築工程各種具挑戰性的要求。憑藉逾半世紀的卓越往績,加上强大的生產能力和專業知識、戰略性廠房分佈、穩定的石料供應、卓越的物流能力、數碼化流程和忠誠的客戶服務團隊,友盟致力為客戶創造更佳價值。
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ATAL Engineering Group
ATAL Building Services Engineering Limited, a subsidiary company of Analogue Holdings Limited (stock code: 1977), integrates air, fire, water and electrical systems to create the optimal environment for commercial, residential and office buildings. In addition to general building services, our specialised business units provide specialised building services for data centres and healthcare and infrastructure facilities.
Analogue Holdings Limited, established in 1977 and headquartered in Hong Kong, is a leading electrical and mechanical engineering service provider in Hong Kong with operations in Macau, Mainland China, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Aurabeat Technology Limited
Aurabeat Technology Limited specialises in sustainable and anti-viral air treatment solutions. Its patented AirSonic product incorporates FDA Registered AG+ Air Sanitizing technology, swiftly eliminating viruses like COVID-19. Aurabeat renowned for innovative approach to enhancing air quality in global commercial properties.
Additionally, the EcoSonic System, another flagship offering, boosts air filtration efficiency through patented Sonic Emitters, meeting G4 filtration standards with exceptional MERV 13 and MERV 14 performance. This system not only improves indoor air quality by capturing pollutants but also offers low maintenance and robust customer support for operational ease and efficiency.
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