Save the date (21 – 22 September) for Hong Kong Green Building Week 2019 !
HKGBC Delegation to Tokyo – Learn and exchange on Green Building development!
Briefing Session for Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy
A Deeper Look at the Upgraded BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0
Hidden “Green” Gems in the City
Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2019- Call for Submission
Come and Be our Friends!

Save the date (21 – 22 September) for Hong Kong Green Building Week 2019 !
In the API video, Agent Sisley was in a mission to find out what are the green building features of De Novo, a green residential building in Kowloon East certified with BEAM Plus Platinum. Different green features are introduced to the audience like the rooftop garden, green walls to reduce building’s temperature, recycled building materials, solar panels etc. The API video is on free and paid TV channels now!
The highlights of the HKGBW 2019 are “Green Building Exploration Challenge” and “Green Carnival” at CIC – Zero Carbon Park. You are welcome to join all the fun activities like Green Workshops, Green Bazaar, mini games, guided tours and more to enhance your knowledge on green buildings for FREE! Visitors can also join our Bus Tour to travel and visit different green buildings in Kowloon East.
Let’s discover more on Green buildings together on 21 - 22 September! Pre-registration for Workshops, Bus Tour and guided tours is now opened, check out the HKGBW website for more details:
HKGBC Delegation to Tokyo – Learn and exchange on Green Building development!
44 Hong Kong delegates from public and private sectors participated in the HKGBC Delegation to Tokyo during 6-9 August 2019, comprising Development Bureau, Buildings Department of the Government of HKSAR Construction Industry Council, property developers, contractors, consultants, architecture and engineering firms, as well as academic institutes, to learn and exchange on green building development and technologies trend.
Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Tokyo
The delegation attended the Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Tokyo on 6 and 7 August 2019 and engaged with international experts for knowledge exchange and learning.
The theme of the Conference was on how cities can adapt climate change in terms of built environment. It covered integrated urban strategies on designing future districts, building design strategies and building operations, as well as sustainable methodologies and techniques for growing countries in facing rapid urbanisation. Attended delegates gained much insights from the sharing and discussions.

To engage in a closer dialogue with authorities on urban planning and innovative green initiatives, the HKGBC had arranged two meetings with the related parties.
The delegation first met Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) on update of Cap-and-Trade programme, a mandatory carbon reduction programme for buildings launched in 2010. TMG representative first gave an outline of the energy consumption and the policy framework of Tokyo and the result achieved by Cap-and-Trade programme. Delegates found it a good reference for developing a district based rating system in response to sustainable development, as well as decarbonisation for new town projects.

6 technical visits were arranged on 8 and 9 August. The delegates started with visit to two green lush complex, Toranomon Hills and Tokyo Square Garden on 8 August. The energy efficient design of the 52-storey Toranomon Hills Mori Tower and the green building technologies of Tokyo Square Garden including LED lighting with motion & brightness sensor control, solar tracking and electric blinds, passive ventilation system were impressive. It was followed by the visit to the signature redevelopment project around Shibuya Station, the Shibuya Stream. The revitalisation of Shibuya River created a distinctive urban environment in the heart of Tokyo.

On 9 August, delegates visited 3 high-performing buildings and was stunned by the exterior of YKK 80 with its facade covered by a “screen” to block and filter direct solar gain while maintaining daylight and views – a very good demonstration of energy saving. Shinryo Corporation Headquarters is an existing building of over 40 years and was renovated in 2011 with the goal of optimising energy efficiency. Delegates visited its solar cooling system and the power generation panel at its roof top and learnt about its centralised air distribution system. The last visit was to Shimizu Corporation Headquarters which adopted the "Radiation Air Conditioning System" (RACS), a new concept firstly introduced in Japan for high-rise building to achieve energy efficiency. All these buildings focus on the goals of energy savings, comfort enhancement, occupants’ health, seismic safety and cost-effectiveness, in which all were clearly met or even exceeding the goals!

Apart from technical visits and conference, the trip was perfected with the Networking Dinner hosted by HKGBC on 8 August 2019, an excellent networking opportunity for delegates to connect with each other, as well as the representatives of those prominent sustainable buildings and green associations.

The delegates were much inspired by the dedication and innovation of Tokyo, no matter in city planning and infrastructure, as well as smart and green technologies. The HKGBC would further develop and launch initiatives to foster knowledge exchange and collaborations to drive the global green building agenda.
Briefing Session for Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy
The Briefing Session for Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy was held successfully with more than 100 participants. |
Supporting the Council for Sustainable Development, a Briefing Session of Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy organised by Hong Kong Green Building Council was held on 19 August 2019, with over 100 members and stakeholders of the Council attending and providing constructive views on the topic.
The public engagement aims to arouse public awareness on the impact of carbon emissions, and gauge the views of the community in developing feasible strategies for carbon reduction, with a view to making recommendations to the Government. The Council invited members and stakeholders to attend this briefing session, not only to know more about the background of the Public Engagement but also to provide their views.
The briefing session began with an opening remarks by Prof. Arthur LI, Chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development, on the purposes of the Public Engagement. Dr Winnie LAW, Deputy Director and Chief Lecturer of the Centre for Civil Society and Governance of The University of Hong Kong then elaborated the impact of climate change and the actions already taken by other cities and countries, such as Denmark, Seoul, New York City and United Kingdom. Dr LAW also mentioned the importance of green buildings in promoting the energy efficiency in new and existing buildings.
The speakers were then joined by Dr Benny CHOW, Chairman of Industry Standards and Practices Committee of HKGBC and Mr Darwin LEUNG, Assistant Project Manager of The Policy for Sustainability Lab, Centre for Civil Society and Governance of The University of Hong Kong in the views collection session. Participants with different professional background provided their viewpoints on the next steps for Hong Kong in decarbonisation and also discussed actively from various aspects including architectural design, energy efficiency and retro-commissioning.
For the latest update on public engagement organised by the Council for Sustainable Development, please visit the Public Engagement’s official website.

1. Prof. Arthur LI, Chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development, explained the purposes of the Public Engagement.
A Deeper Look at the Upgraded BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0

The assessment tool has been re-designed to provide more guidance to project teams, helping them compile the submission materials for assessment. With clearer explanation of the assessment criteria and the calculation method for credit achievement, more guidance on the contents of the reports to be submitted is provided. The submittals for each assessment credit are listed and standardised. This helps to streamline the assessment process. Moreover, there are more references in each assessment credit. The relationship between credits across different assessment aspects is also included. That would allow project teams to look for opportunities of synergies in credit achievement.

A number of stakeholder engagement workshops and briefing sessions were held during development of the BEAM Plus NB V2.0 rating tool. |
In the NB V2.0 rating tool, higher degree of flexibility in scoring is offered. Compared with the previous versions, there are more assessment credits where project teams can achieve by adopting the prescriptive approach. Area weighting method is no longer required for projects with different types of uses within the same building, making the assessment much simpler. Achieved “Bonus” credits will be counted towards the corresponding “Aspect”, with a multiplying factor of 1.2, in recognition of project teams’ exemplary efforts in performance gains.
The upgraded BEAM Plus NB V2.0 will be launched on 4 September 2019, while project registration will be open on the same day. Please stay tuned!
Hidden “Green” Gems in the City
Some community facilities are not only a place for public education, but also the facilities themselves are green buildings. While the Sha Tin Community Green Station acts as an education centre to promote recycling, as well as the Water Resources Education Centre in Water Supplies Department Tin Shui Wai Building introduces the history of waterworks and water management in Hong Kong, both facilities achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus New Buildings, showcasing exemplary building sustainability performance.
More and more green buildings are being built in the city, creating healthy and comfortable environment for us. Apart from finding them out in the town, you may also visit BEAM Plus Online Exhibition to learn more about them!

1. The green roof in Kowloon City No. 1 and No. 2 Sewage Pumping Stations
2. Sha Tin Community Green Station achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus New Buildings.
(Photo Source: Description | Sha Tin Community Green Station, Date | 14 May 2015, Source | Own work, Author | Wing1990hk, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40264723)
3. Water Supplies Department Tin Shui Wai Building performed well in Water Use aspect, achieving Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus New Buildings.
The Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2019 is now calling for submission! Organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, and funded by the Construction Industry Council, the Award aims at recognising the achievement and collaborative effort of shopping malls and shops in pursuing a green shopping environment.
All shopping malls and shops are eligible to participate. The submission welcomes any cases related to the environmental measures or practices implemented in malls or shops within the period from 1 January 2018 to 30 September 2019.
For more details, please visit Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance website. Don’t miss the chance to showcase the best green practices to your peers, customers and the general public. Click here to submit your case on-line now!
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2019
Come and Be our Friends!

The Friends of Green Building is a platform targeted to general public who are interested in green building development. Interested friends could sign up HERE to keep abreast with the latest green building news and activities organised by the Council.

1. Visitors were interested in playing the game to learn about green buildings in Hong Kong.
2. Visitors passing by the game booth at Heng On Market were invited to join the Friends of Green Building.