Innovative and Green Building Conference
Play & Leisure at Green Buildings

Innovative and Green Building Conference
Green building experts came together at the Innovative and Green Building Conference to share knowledge and experiences to drive innovation towards a smart green built environment. Key executives included Mr Albert Wong, CEO, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (front row, 5th from the left), Ir Alfred Sit, JP, Director, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR Government (front row, 6th from the left) and Ir Cary Chan, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council (front row, 5th from the right).
Organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), the Innovative and Green Building Conference was held in the Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Science Park, on 27 February 2019.

Mr Albert Wong, CEO of HKSTP, emphasised the need to address climate change through I&T.
Attracting over 400 participants, the conference brought together green building practitioners with experts in the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to share knowledge and experiences to drive innovation towards a smart green built environment. Mr Albert Wong, CEO of HKSTP opened the conference. He emphasised the need to address climate change through innovation and technology (I&T) and introduced the audience to HKSTP’s initiatives in transforming the Park into a “smart campus”. In the keynote, Guest-of-Honour Mr Alfred Sit, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, further elaborated on the importance of I&T to improve the quality of life of citizens. While citing that Hong Kong has the lowest energy intensity among APEC economies, he noted that more can still be achieved using I&T solutions. As a facilitator and promoter of I&T, ESMD has introduced an E&M InnoPortal and is using government venues as trial sites for I&T solutions.

Mr Alfred Sit, JP, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department elaborated on the importance of I&T to improve the quality of life of citizens.
Speakers in both morning and afternoon sessions provided varied perspectives and insights into how IoT, big data and Al can be used to enhance operational efficiency, energy savings and maintenance in buildings.
In the morning session, Dr Tian Peng Wei introduced AI learning as a basis to identify, adapt and interact in building operation and management, while Ir Dave Chan discussed how new technologies, big data and online machine learning via real time data feed are enabling chiller plant optimisation resulting in 11% energy savings in one case study building that is already highly efficient. Ir Conrad Wong shared his experience in machine learning and rule based AI applied to pattern recognition for energy savings and in the management of occupational health and safety for workers on construction sites. The opportunities offered by cloud computing for energy savings and occupant comfort were presented by Dr David Chan. One such opportunity is creating a centralised analytic platform for predictive maintenance with new data feed for continuous operational improvements. However, while recognising that IoT, Al and cloud computing can enable a better understanding of buildings, data quantity, quality and cyber security were all highlighted in the panel discussion, moderated by Professor S. W. Wang, as limitations which should be carefully considered.
Over 400 participants gathered at the Science Park to discover the next chapter of I&T for the smart and green building movement.
As the keynote for the afternoon session, Ir Dr Peter W.T. Tse introduced the notion of smart and predictive maintenance in presenting a sophisticated fault diagnosis and prognosis system, using AI algorithms, for machines, engines etc., to minimise downtime and maintenance costs. In buildings, predictive maintenance was showcased by Mr Terence Lo in the application of BIM-AM and IoT in the case of EMSD headquarters for fault diagnostic and data analytics. Predictive analytics solutions and smart building management also facilitate energy performance optimisation and enhanced occupant comfort as advocated by Dr James Huang and Ir Calvin Tang. Ir Gary Chuk offered insights into the use of expert rule based technologies to enhance the COP of chiller plants and automatic fault detection resulting in 15% energy savings in one case study building. The application of AI in the retail industry resulting in 10-30% energy use reduction by tenants was presented by Mr Alan Seigris. Final but not least, Dr Linda Xiao presented her framework for discovering and applying knowledge hidden in big building automation system data using advanced data analytics.

Ir Cary Chan, JP, Executive Director of HKGBC, believes there is great potential to build up the strength of I&T in Hong Kong.
In concluding the conference, Ir Cary Chan, Executive Director of HKGBC, observed that while AI and ruled-based applications are developing very rapidly, there remains great potential to build up the strength of I&T in Hong Kong. HKGBC will continue to collaborate with HKSTP and universities to deliver Continuing Professional Developments and work with the building industry to build its capacity to drive the delivery of smart and green in both new and existing buildings.

Play & Leisure at Green Buildings

Yuen Chau Kok Complex has achieved BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.1 Final Platinum rating.

The ventilation corridor between two blocks helps to enhance natural ventilation in the neighbourhood.
Have you ever thought that the library and sports centre could be green buildings? Yuen Chau Kok Complex in Shatin has recently achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus New Buildings. The sports centre and library cum community centre are designed to be located at two separate blocks, where the ventilation corridor between two blocks helps to enhance natural ventilation in the neighbourhood. Besides, planters are set up at the sky terrace. In addition to the vertical green wall at the exterior of the building, the greenery makes up over 35% of the site area.
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