Kick Off 2019 with Two Collaborative Conferences
Get Your Green Buildings Assessment Subsidised by CLP
Creation of Green Experience Starts from Masterplanning
HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project

Kick Off 2019 with Two Collaborative Conferences
Year 2019 marks the 10th year of establishment of the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). In the run-up to our landmark 10th anniversary, two important conferences will be held in the first quarter.

Innovative and Green Building Conference
Organised by the HKGBC and the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, the Innovative and Green Building Conference explores the possibilities of the latest technologies like artificial intelligence, expert rule based applications, predictive maintenance and smart energy management on elevating building performance. Attendees shall gain insights into emerging technologies and best practices in smart and green building. Taking place on 27 February (Wednesday) at the Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, secure your seat now online for a thought-provoking day.

The Chinachem Sustainability Conference 2019
Rapid population aging is widely recognised as one of the most daunting challenges we face. Themed “Sustainable Neighbourhood: How to Foster Age-Friendly Developments”, The Chinachem Sustainability Conference 2019 organised by Chinachem Group and co-organised by the HKGBC gather key players and professionals on 29 March (Friday) at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The full-day conference will be an immersive platform to exchange constructive ideas on technical solutions addressing the critical aging population issue. Click here for more details and register now!
Get Your Green Buildings Assessment Subsidised by CLP
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CLP Power has launched a new Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus with a view to encouraging greater energy efficiency in Hong Kong buildings. Eligible schools and non-governmental organisations* can apply for half, or even full, subsidy of assessment fees if their buildings achieve Excellent or Very Good grades under the Energy Use Aspect of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme throughout 2019.

Ms Lena Low, Senior Director – Customer & Business Development CLP Power
Ms Lena Low, Senior Director – Customer & Business Development of CLP Power, says, “Under the new Scheme of Control Agreement effective 1 October 2018, CLP Power has launched a number of new initiatives to encourage the community to pursue energy saving so as to embrace low-carbon lifestyles. One of the initiatives is the CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus. As BEAM Plus is one of the most widely used assessment schemes for green building, we hope that through partnering with HKGBC, CLP Power provides subsidy to encourage wider participation in green building.”

Mr Lee Man Key, Coordinating Secretary Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
Mr Lee Man Key, Coordinating Secretary of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong says, “The Chinese YMCA supports the Government’s Climate Action Plan 2030+. We welcome the CLP Subsidy Scheme and would like to consider riding on this new initiative scheme to enhance energy management level in some buildings of our Association as appropriate.” The Association has been implementing a number of green measures. Energy saving is one of them. Others include waste reduction through goods swap.
For details of CLP Subsidy Scheme of BEAM Plus, please visit www.clp.com.hk/greenbuilding_en. There are more tax incentive and funding assistance initiatives for BEAM Plus buildings. For details, please visit https://www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/Incentives_Funding.aspx.
*The Applicant must be a school or non-governmental organisation registered as a charitable institution or trust of a public character, which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.
Get Your Green Buildings Assessment Subsidised by CLP

Project team of the Grade A Office & Retail Development at NKIL 6556 received the certification from Mr LIU Chun-san, Under Secretary for Development, at the BEAM Plus Certification Ceremony 2018.
BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, the latest assessment tool of the BEAM Plus family, advocates the creation of a vibrant and sustainable community by encouraging the project team to integrate their project into the existing community at the masterplanning stage. In Kai Tak, the Grade A Office & Retail Development at NKIL 6556 becomes the first project that is certified with Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Neighbourhood V1.0. To facilitate the use of low-carbon transportation, pedestrian-friendly facilities, such as the newly built covered skybridge and pathway, are developed to connect public spaces of the project and the existing footpath, as well as the future public transportation hub and cycling path. Besides, to enhance Kai Tak’s distinctive character, aviation elements will be incorporated into the development, and an exhibition area is on plan so that visitors can reminisce about the former Kai Tak Airport.

Hysan Place and Cityplaza achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Existing Buildings.
Green experience is spanning across our daily lives! Two leisure places, Hysan Place and Cityplaza, achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Existing Buildings. What’s more, Hysan Place was the Platinum project under BEAM Plus New Buildings! The developer and the project team are committed in building and operating this green commercial building, extending the high level of green operational performance. By regularly conducting the energy audit, the property management team can analyse the data of energy usage and advance the measures in energy saving, and thus to make our shopping experience greener.
As more projects are certified by BEAM Plus, the footprints of green buildings are burgeoning all around the city. Click here to check out more than 110 BEAM Plus projects from the BEAM Plus Online Exhibition now - they are just around us!

HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project
Sowing the seeds of green built environment together with the community
Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club are leading the HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project (the Project) from July 2018 to December 2019 with aims to enhance the knowledge and capacity of NGOs in Hong Kong on green building, as well as to promote BEAM Plus rating tools, especially Existing Buildings, among NGO communities and the public. The Project organised four community seminars in 2018 targeting NGO personnel who is interested in green building, particularly to those who are keen on transforming their existing buildings but lack the know-how on implementation.
In the first seminar, Ir Dr Eddy Lau, Head of Green Labelling from HKGBC shared an overview of the BEAM Plus family, including their features, government incentives and related financial supports. Ir Dr Tony Lam, Associate Director of Building Sustainability from Arup and Mr Jonathan Yau, Associate Director from Cundall Hong Kong Limited followed to showcase the holistic approaches to design and operate wellness workplace in renovation projects and lessons learnt from international WELL office implementation respectively. The third and fourth seminars were delivered by Ir Dr Paul Sat, Head of Research and Public Education from HKGBC. He introduced retro-commissioning and its role in energy management, then further illustrated the basic yet professional knowledge required by the building practitioners, attitude and needs for carrying out retro-commissioning works and how to overcome the barriers when applying retro-commissioning to existing buildings. Nearly one hundred NGO community and industry practitioners who are interested in green building attended the above seminars.

The four community seminars gathered around a hundred participants from the NGO sector.
Apart from community seminars, the Project collaborated with Flappyland, a local eco art organisation to hold community engagement activities on 10 and 14 December 2018 in The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong Cheerland Nursery cum Kindergarten (Wan Chai), and the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Cyril and Amy Cheung Aged Care Complex respectively. Through the eco art and craft workshops, more than 50 kindergarten students and 20 elderly learnt the concept of clean recycle and up-cycle, as well as gained deeper understanding of green building and BEAM Plus rating tools through making bird figure wands from shampoo bottle pumps.

Curious kindergarten students from The Boys’ and Girls’
Clubs Association of Hong Kong Cheerland Nursery cum
>Kindergarten (Wan Chai) participated actively in the green
building talk.

Live and learn – the elderly from Hong Kong Sheng Kung
Hui Cyril and Amy Cheung Aged Care Complex made bird
figure wands from shampoo bottle pumps, adding green
and fun elements in the aged care complex.
Stepping into 2019, the Project collaborated with JupYeah, an online swap platform and event organiser in Hong Kong to host the “Winter Clothing All You Can Take” event (“智綠築福 x 執嘢︰賀年衣物任你執”) on 13 January 2019 in The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre. Buying new cloths is the tradition of the Chinese Lunar New Year, this swapping event aims at raising public awareness on overconsumption and encouraging the practice of waste reduction. The engagement programme offered a swap platform where service users of The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) as well as the general public could share used winter clothing, a chance for unwanted materials to be ‘rebirth’. The six-hour event drew over 600 participants. Most of them made Green Community Pledges onsite to show support in building a green community and its sustainable development.

“Winter Clothing All You Can Take” (“智綠築福 x 執嘢︰賀年衣物任你執”) participants were delighted to give materials no longer wanted a second life through the swapping event while welcoming the Chinese Lunar New Year in ‘new clothes’ via LOHAS practice.
Through a series of workshops and engagement activities, the HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project endeavours to create positive impact towards NGO communities, their staff and building users’ lifestyle and attitude through green building exploration and LOHAS appreciation. You can find out more about the activities and exhibitions from HERE.
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