Green Building Award 2019 is Calling for Nominations Now!
Environmental Forum on Green Finance
Green Residential Properties Certified by BEAM Plus Improve Health and Wellbeing of Residents
HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project Promoting Green Buildings in the Community via Creative Works

Green Building Award 2019 is Calling for Nominations Now!
Now open for nominations, ‘Green Building Award 2019’ (GBA 2019) welcomes the participation of all eligible projects and organisations.
The leading industry award ‘Green Building Award 2019’ (GBA 2019) is now open for nominations till noon, 17 June 2019! With the theme of ‘Inspiring the Next Generation • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment’, we are looking for nominations which go beyond the conventional practice, stretch their boundaries in advancing sustainability, and are capable of inspiring the next generation on how our future built environment could transform into.
GBA 2019 welcomes all eligible projects and organisations, embracing five categories: New Buildings, Existing Buildings, Research & Planning, Building Products & Technologies, and Green Building Leadership. New to this edition, six sub-categories under ‘Green Building Leadership’ are introduced, namely Developers, Contractors, Consultants, Facilities Management, Green Product Industry Business, as well as Government, Institutions & NGOs in order to honour companies or organisations with exemplary leadership in respective areas, making the award even more representative and distinguished.
Works nominated in previous edition(s) but have not received any Grand Award are welcome to re-submit (subject to respective category / sub-category’s criteria).
Don’t miss the chance to get the prestigious industry recognition! Click here to nominate now!
Environmental Forum on Green Finance

The Forum had received tremendous responses with 250 attendance from industry practitioners and students.
Jointly organised by the HKGBC and The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), the Environmental Forum on Green Finance was successfully held on 20 March. Boasting the significance of green finance to sustainable development, the forum also marked the third collaboration between the two organisers, and this time particularly with two Schools of OUHK, namely the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration and the School of Science and Technology.

Guest of honor Mr Joseph CHAN, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (Middle) & Ir Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council (5th from left) posed for a photo with OUHK management and speakers.
We are honored to have invited Prof. KWAN Ching Ping, Reggie, Vice President (Academic), OUHK to deliver the welcome remarks, followed by the opening remarks by guest of honor Mr Joseph CHAN, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau.
During the forum, Dr Wilson CHAN, International and Professional Adviser, Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong gave a presentation themed "Overview of Green Finance from Global to Local Perspectives" covering the development of green finance from global, national and local perspectives, as well as the implementation of green finance. Titled "Vision and Challenges on the establishment of Green Finance", Ms Fanny LUNG, Finance Director, Swire Properties Limited introduced the vision and strategies of Swire Properties to become the industry's leader in sustainable development. She also highlighted the benefits and challenges on the establishment of green finance. Lastly, Ms Peggy LEE, Manager – Sustainability, New World Development Company Limited, spoke on the company’s strategies on green finance projects, in both Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Upon the presentations, Dr KO Chi Keung Anthony, Associate Dean, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, OUHK hosted a Q&A session. Ir Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director, HKGBC gave the audience a closing remarks to conclude the forum.
With overwhelming enthusiasm, an audience of 250 had attended the forum, which was recorded in video by OUHK and will be aired on TVB Pearl's "Knowledge of All". The Council is looking forward to collaborating with OUHK again in the near future to organise different forums and activities, with a view to promoting green buildings and respective initiatives to a myriad of stakeholders.
Green Residential Properties Certified by BEAM Plus Improve Health and Wellbeing of Residents

Located in Tsuen Wan, THE PAVILIA BAY is one of the BEAM Plus residential properties that achieved NB Provisional Gold rating.

At Park Signature & The Green Atrium, which achieved BEAM Plus NB Final Gold rating, vertical green wall is set up to maximise greenery at the site.

DUNBAR PLACE is one of the BEAM Plus residential properties that achieved NB Final Platinum rating.
There are numerous factors that influence living quality, ranging from location to neighbourhood amenities, from layout to fittings, etc. For a better living, green features of residential properties can also be considered, as they impact the health and wellbeing of the residents and leave carbon footprints. More green residential properties are being developed in Hong Kong, how can we discover them in the town?
Some green features in the residential developments are prominent. Greenery is one of them. To maximise the green coverage at the buildings, vertical greening and vegetated roof are usually adopted. Such design of soft landscaping can reduce surface temperature in summer, compared with bare concrete, helping to alleviate urban heat island effect. Besides, it helps beautify the environment, creating more comfortable living experience for the residents.
Some buildings adopted passive design strategy by taking the building orientation into account, optimising natural ventilation and daylight, as well as controlling building envelope heat transfer. As a result, residents’ comfort can be maintained while less air-conditioning and artificial lighting are used, thus reducing energy consumption and associated carbon emissions.

Passive design principles have been applied to the architectural design of Long Ching Estate, the public housing development that achieved BEAM Plus NB Final Platinum rating. Click here for more details.
There are some eco-friendly features in newly developed residential flats. For example, low emissivity glass (low-E glass) can reflect heat from outside. As a result, less air-conditioning is needed during summer. Energy efficient appliances and low flow faucets save residents’ electricity and water bills. Innovative design of the buildings, such as twin-tank system, prevents residents from being disturbed by regular maintenance. Also, twin-tank minimises wastage of water due to tank cleansing operation.
Currently, the green building rating scheme - BEAM Plus, is gaining momentum in Hong Kong. More than 470 new residential developments have been registered for BEAM Plus certification as of March 2019. Over half of the projects have already been assessed, of which 23 projects achieved Final or Provisional Platinum, which is the highest rating under BEAM Plus.

The Green Building Certification Label in the sales brochure indicates the BEAM Plus assessment rating which the residential development has achieved.
Since 1 April 2011, as one of the prerequisites for seeking gross floor area (GFA) concessions for certain green and amenity features in development projects, developers have to submit their projects for BEAM Plus certification. To verify green buildings' qualification, prospective purchasers of first-hand residential properties can look for the Green Building Certification Label in the sales brochure, which indicates the BEAM Plus assessment rating of the respective buildings. You can also click HERE to view the BEAM Plus Project Directory, which is a full list of registered and certified BEAM Plus buildings.
The Council has recently invited Mr WU Kwok-wai, the former anchor of the Cable TV programme “Property Outlook”, to talk about green residential properties in Hong Kong. He also interviewed Ir Cary CHAN, JP, the Council’s Executive Director, about BEAM Plus. Check out the video to understand more about BEAM Plus and green residential properties.

Our Executive Director, Ir Cary CHAN, was interviewed to talk about green residential properties in Hong Kong.
Also, our rating tool, BEAM Plus New Buildings, is being revamped. The upgraded version 2.0 of assessment will place more emphasis on the health and wellbeing aspects, encouraging new developments to foster healthier and more sustainable living for building occupants. It is tentatively scheduled to be launched in the third quarter of this year.
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HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project
Promoting Green Buildings in the Community via Creative Works
The HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project (the Project) focuses on enhancing NGOs' understanding towards green buildings and management capability, while at the same time promoting BEAM Plus rating tool to the social welfare sector and the general public, notably concerning existing buildings. In March, the Project had joined hands with local creative group Kratpr to co-organise the Rush Chair Upcycling Workshop, which took place in the The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Red Cross premises. This allowed stakeholders of our NGO partners to share the joy of upcycling, and to rebuild their connection with the concerning spaces through their finished art pieces.

Participants learn weaving seating pad and harness the concept of upcycling, thus strengthen the relationship with existing buildings.
During the two-hour programme, participants were able to dissemble recycled chairs and reattach seating pads on them by their own hands. They were also encouraged to explore the concept of upcycling and their relations with green buildings. As the workshops ended, upcycled works are placed in the public space of the designated NGO for communal use. Another workshop of the same kind will take place in Chinese YMCA Hong Kong-New Territories Centre in April, hoping to bring up another unique learning experience to the family members of the organisation.
Meanwhile, the Project is undergoing the production of a series of promotional videos targeting the general public. By streaming these videos online, the Project aims to promote the significance and implementation of green buildings through compelling yet short everyday stories, such as nostalgic memories and the family bonding of three generations, all highlighting the importance of sustainability and its relations with the society. The shooting locations covered a number of BEAM Plus certification awardees, such as Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hysan Place, Leigh & Orange Limited and The Luna.

The Project videos bring out the significance of green buildings and their relations with people by story-telling.
The Project also interviewed green building experts for their insights and comprehensive vision of green buildings development, including Ms Grace KWOK, Chairman and Executive Director, Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited, Dr Vincent CHENG, Arup Fellow - Director of Building Sustainability, Arup, Ms Ivy LEE, Managing Director, Leigh & Orange Limited and Dr Raymond YAU, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited. Interviewees also introduced the four BEAM Plus assessment tools for wider exposure. By juxtaposing professional sharing with human touch, the Project looks set to propel the green building movement in society at large.

Green building experts exude goodwill on the green built environment.
For the release of videos and other latest news of the Project, please stay tuned to our website announcement.