Sun Hung Kai Properties Sustainability Report 2020/21 – Driving Sustainability Strategies and Sustainable Development Goals by Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Considerations into the Business Decision-making Process
Hong Kong Green Building Council Celebrates 12th Anniversary - Advocates Collaboration and Nurturing Future Leaders in the Green Building Movement
Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2021 brings a successful conclusion!
BEAM Plus Certification Ceremony 2021 - Honouring Excellence towards a Sustainable Future
‘BEAM Plus Data Centres’ Drives the Green Future
Sun Hung Kai Properties Sustainability Report 2020/21 – Driving Sustainability Strategies and Sustainable Development Goals by Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Considerations into the Business Decision-making Process

Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (SHKP) recently published its 2020/21 Sustainability Report and further demonstrated its commitment towards the new 10-year environmental targets, which cover the management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, water use, and construction waste diversion. In addition to a pledge to reduce the GHG emissions intensity of the Group’s major properties by 25% by 2029/30, SHKP also commits to obtaining Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications for all its new investment properties.
Along with the Group’s sustainability initiatives and the value created for stakeholders and the community, SHKP is honoured to be recognised by various sustainability benchmarks and indices for its commitment and positive contributions to sustainability. SHKP remains a constituent member of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good Global Index series of London. The Group also obtained an ‘A’ in the latest MSCI ESG Ratings1.
SHKP’s major work and achievements in the 2020/21 financial year are as follows:
The Environment
- Reviewed on the Group’s sustainability policies and formulated new Climate Change Policy and Sustainable Building Policy to reflect its overarching approach in addressing environmental challenges
- Set the new 10-year environmental targets covering the management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, water use, and construction waste diversion, against the base year of 2019/20
- Took the largest number of recruits from the first batch of candidates of the government’s Greater Bay Area (GBA) Youth Employment Scheme, enabling fresh university graduates to explore career opportunities in GBA cities
- Became one of the first property developers to participate in the HKSAR Government’s vaccination outreach service, both at the Group’s headquarters and shopping malls
- Leveraged 5G technology to create smart living, working and shopping experience to customers and property users
- The Point by SHKP, a customer loyalty programme under the SHKP Malls App, has surpassed 1.2 million members
Supply Chain
- 98% of our suppliers were locally based and 44% of our total procurements were selected with environmental considerations
- A below industry average accident rate for the Group’s contractors at construction sites
- Continues to promote reading among youth, sports for charity and care for the underprivileged
- Received planning approval for developing SHKP’s first multigenerational housing project for the young and the elderly, with the aim of fostering cross-generation co-living and ageing at home among the community
- 2,900 volunteers of the SHKP Volunteer Team contributed over 70,000 service hours in charity work

School outreach activity under SHKP Reading Club’s Read & Share programme

Club’s Read & Share programme
1 Please refer to MSCI disclaimer: https://www.shkp.com/html/sustainable-development/mscidisclaimer.html

Hong Kong Green Building Council Celebrates 12th Anniversary -
Advocates Collaboration and Nurturing Future Leaders in the Green Building Movement
The 12th Anniversary Celebration Event of Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) was successfully held at CIC-Zero Carbon Park on 9 Dec 2021.
In his Welcome Speech, HKGBC Chairman Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai has highlighted the Council’s milestones and achievements in 2021. The event was graced by Guest of Honour, Mr Michael WONG, Secretary for Development, who has congratulated HKGBC’s achievements over the years in fostering sustainable built environment. He also urged immediate actions from all industry practitioners to turn worthy ideas into reality in building a sustainable future for Hong Kong.
With collaborations amongst the government and industry stakeholders, HKGBC rolled out a series of initiatives in the past 12 months. The Council also believes that the strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 must be passed on to the future generations. Therefore, in the celebration event, three youngsters, two winners from the tertiary category of "My Green Space" Student Competition, and a 6-year-old girl, Alexandra, who participated in the HK Green Building Week TV Commercial in 2020 and 2021 were invited to join a dialogue with two industry experts as well as HKGBC Directors who had recently won the "Advancing Net Zero" Ideas Competition. Two experts shared their knowledge and thoughts on green buildings with the young ladies, passing on the passion, knowledge and experience for the continuation of the green building effort.
Click HERE to find out the achievements and milestones of the 12th Year of Hong Kong Green Building Council.
Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2021 Brings a Successful Conclusion!

In addition to the regular commendation on green stories from shopping malls and shops, a special award named ‘Special Citation on Green Recovery’ and a brand new award category named ‘Excellent Green Product Advocator’ were added this year to keep abreast of the times. The former aimed to honour the distinguished mall operators and shop owners who were able to embrace resilience in business operations during the pandemic and maintained a sustainable shopping environment at the same time. The later was set up to promote the adoption of green products in daily operations by malls and shops and recognise Alliance Members who had adopted CIC Green Products.

This year, a record high of more than 150 projects were certified with Final Assessment ratings. Meanwhile, with the appearance of the first new project certified with BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0, the tool has entered into a new era of being a more comprehensive assessment for the building’s sustainability from all aspects. In addition to the record breaking number, the sustainability performance of some of the certified projects has even exceeded the assessment requirements by adopting innovative designs.
To learn more about BEAM Plus certified projects in 2021, please visit https://beamplusceremony2021.hkgbc.org.hk/.

BEAM Plus Data Centres, the green building rating tool specifically designed for data centres, is a means to demonstrate ESG commitment to communities, customers, investors and other stakeholders. The criteria in BEAM Plus Data Centres are aligned with the practical conditions in constructing and operating data centres, with an emphasis on energy efficiency.
HKGBC now offers an early bird discount (up to 50% off) in registration fee for BEAM Plus Data Centres until 8 September 2022. This is applicable to the first three projects registering with the scheme within the period. Please refer to our website for more details: https://www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/beam-plus/beam-plus-references/fee/fee.jsp