Hysan’s Urban Farm Film Takes Gold at Prestigious International Sustainability Film Awards
Sino Group Supports Business Ambition for 1.5°C
WorldGBC releases Advancing Net Zero Status Report 2021
Green Is in the Details

Hysan’s Urban Farm Film Takes Gold at Prestigious International Sustainability Film Awards
“Farming on a Hong Kong Skyscraper”, Hysan Development’s short film on its urban farm, has won the top Trophée Or (Gold Award) in the Organisations and Social Responsibility category of the 2021 Deauville Green Awards.

More than 500 films from five continents were entered in this renowned international competition celebrating the world’s best videos on sustainable development and environmental preservation.

Sino Group strives to support renewable energy through the installation of photovoltaic panels at properties under its management.
Sino Land has pledged to support Business Ambition for 1.5°C, the United Nations-led campaign about setting science-based targets to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, joining leading organisations in the global call-to-action.
The pledge entails partnership with scholars and researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to develop a holistic approach to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. A key outcome will be an evaluation of how Sino Land can further increase responsible energy use in its portfolio to make a real long-term difference to decarbonise the built environment.
Announcing the pledge on 5 June 2021, the World Environment Day, Sino Land is among the first five real estate developers in Asia to join this global campaign. It is also Sino Land’s latest commitment to fulfilling Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and mitigating climate change through decarbonisation, and one step towards its mission of ‘Creating Better Lifescapes’.
Sino Land joined the United Nations Global Compact as a signatory in April 2020, and announced its Sustainability Vision 2030 in the same year, setting a clear direction for sustainability to be integrated into every aspect across the Group's cross-functional operations.

WorldGBC releases Advancing Net Zero Status Report 2021
The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has launched the latest annual Advancing Net Zero Status Report, highlighting leadership action from the Green Building Council (GBC) global network towards achieving total sector decarbonisation.
The report showcases examples of Green Building Councils, businesses and governments scaling action towards achieving WorldGBC’s vision for a decarbonised built environment, as well as net zero ‘myth busting’ resource to improve the understanding of net zero within the building and construction industry. This new report also celebrates the work driving the whole life carbon agenda to address emissions from how buildings are used, and from the materials and construction processes – known as embodied carbon.
Key industry net zero trends and innovations are covered in the report, including updates on tackling embodied carbon with benchmarks and targets, scaling up of retrofit and renovations efforts, notable national legislation developments, and innovations in materials and technology. Theses snapshots shown in the report dispel the myths about net zero buildings and depict real world examples that have overcome perceived barriers.
Actions from the 27 GBCs participating in WorldGBC’s global Advancing Net Zero (ANZ) project as well as the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories are showcased in the report. Under the GBC Leadership Action feature, Ir Dr Cary CHAN, Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional Network of the WorldGBC, has shared HKGBC’s initiatives to kick start the advancing net zero journey in Hong Kong, which include the city’s first “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition and the Advancing Net Zero International Conference.
More features can be viewed in the full report, including an update on WorldGBC global advocacy efforts in relation to COP26 climate action agenda as well as thought pieces and examples of initiatives, projects and programmes from WorldGBC’s partners covering the increasing value proposition for net zero.
Hysan’s winning film focuses on the community and educational aspects of Hysan Place Urban Farm, which has taught Hong Kong urban dwellers of all ages the basics of farming at the iconic commercial building’s rooftop. As a result, they have come to appreciate what nature has to offer, only an elevator ride away from the heart of Causeway Bay, one of the world’s most vibrant commercial centres.
“This award reminds us that one of sustainability’s main elements is ‘social’,” says Mr Ricky LUI, Hysan’s Chief Operating Officer. “Since its opening in 2013, our urban farm has become a place where community members can grow vegetables and fruits, as well as learn about insects and animals spanning the biodiversity spectrum. Beyond that, our rooftop has spawned friendships and camaraderie and created a community identity for Hysan Place and the Lee Gardens area. We cannot be more proud.”
“We would like to thank the World Green Building Council for producing the eye-opening Building a Better Future series, of which this film is a part. A big thank you also to BBC StoryWorks’ team for showcasing our unique farm and its enthusiastic people, and to the Hong Kong Green Building Council for encouraging us to take part in this project. We really appreciate the efforts of our partners to help tell the story about the skyscraper rooftop farm that has become the sustainable heart of our community.”
Sino Group Supports Business Ambition for 1.5°C

Sino Group strives to support renewable energy through the installation of photovoltaic panels at properties under its management.
Sino Land has pledged to support Business Ambition for 1.5°C, the United Nations-led campaign about setting science-based targets to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, joining leading organisations in the global call-to-action.
The pledge entails partnership with scholars and researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to develop a holistic approach to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. A key outcome will be an evaluation of how Sino Land can further increase responsible energy use in its portfolio to make a real long-term difference to decarbonise the built environment.
Announcing the pledge on 5 June 2021, the World Environment Day, Sino Land is among the first five real estate developers in Asia to join this global campaign. It is also Sino Land’s latest commitment to fulfilling Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and mitigating climate change through decarbonisation, and one step towards its mission of ‘Creating Better Lifescapes’.
Sino Land joined the United Nations Global Compact as a signatory in April 2020, and announced its Sustainability Vision 2030 in the same year, setting a clear direction for sustainability to be integrated into every aspect across the Group's cross-functional operations.

WorldGBC releases Advancing Net Zero Status Report 2021

The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has launched the latest annual Advancing Net Zero Status Report, highlighting leadership action from the Green Building Council (GBC) global network towards achieving total sector decarbonisation.
The report showcases examples of Green Building Councils, businesses and governments scaling action towards achieving WorldGBC’s vision for a decarbonised built environment, as well as net zero ‘myth busting’ resource to improve the understanding of net zero within the building and construction industry. This new report also celebrates the work driving the whole life carbon agenda to address emissions from how buildings are used, and from the materials and construction processes – known as embodied carbon.
Key industry net zero trends and innovations are covered in the report, including updates on tackling embodied carbon with benchmarks and targets, scaling up of retrofit and renovations efforts, notable national legislation developments, and innovations in materials and technology. Theses snapshots shown in the report dispel the myths about net zero buildings and depict real world examples that have overcome perceived barriers.
Actions from the 27 GBCs participating in WorldGBC’s global Advancing Net Zero (ANZ) project as well as the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories are showcased in the report. Under the GBC Leadership Action feature, Ir Dr Cary CHAN, Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional Network of the WorldGBC, has shared HKGBC’s initiatives to kick start the advancing net zero journey in Hong Kong, which include the city’s first “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition and the Advancing Net Zero International Conference.
More features can be viewed in the full report, including an update on WorldGBC global advocacy efforts in relation to COP26 climate action agenda as well as thought pieces and examples of initiatives, projects and programmes from WorldGBC’s partners covering the increasing value proposition for net zero.
Green Is in the Details
Attention to details makes great reward on building sustainability! Take the properties under the portfolio of Prosperity REIT as an example, the property management team sources environmentally friendly products by adopting the green purchasing policy. Green cleaning has been implemented at the buildings with cleaning products that minimise hazardous to human health and the environment. Through participating the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Volume Certification, the portfolio has achieved Excellent grade under Management Aspect of the Selective Scheme.
Landmark North has also achieved Excellent grade under Management Aspect of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme. The property management team regularly conducts inspections, maintenance and cleaning on the equipment and systems to ensure smooth operation. With the equipped electronic operation and maintenance platform, digital operation management has been applied for higher operational efficiency.
Landmark North has also achieved Excellent grade under Management Aspect of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme. The property management team regularly conducts inspections, maintenance and cleaning on the equipment and systems to ensure smooth operation. With the equipped electronic operation and maintenance platform, digital operation management has been applied for higher operational efficiency.

There are 6 office buildings in the BEAM Plus certified portfolio of Prosperity REIT, including Prosperity Center, Prosperity Place, 9 Chong Yip Street, Metropolis Tower, Trendy Centre and New Treasure Centre.

Landmark North has achieved Excellent grade under the Management Aspect of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme.
Explore more certified projects at BEAM Plus Online Exhibition!