WGO with Arup and PwC to launch new alliance for climate resilience
AIRSIDE: New Iconic Community on Kowloon East
International Conference on Advancing Net Zero Concluded with Huge Success!
The Winners of the “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition Raise Building Solutions to Address Climate Change
Green Technologies Bring Up Green Accommodation
Green Buildings – from Design to Realisation
WGO with Arup and PwC to Launch New Alliance for Climate Resilience

Climate-related disclosure for sustainable business
By COP26 in November 2021, over 140 countries have committed their nationally determined contributions (NDC) and decarbonisation plans under the Paris Agreement1. To reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change, more and more countries are introducing legislation to make climate-related disclosure mandatory for some businesses and organisations. This suggests that sustainable businesses must transit to low/net zero carbon economy, adapt to climate-related physical changes, and disclose climate-related risks.
The multitude of works required, and the complexity involved have made it clear that climate change preparation is not just a component under the umbrella of tradition CSR or ESG corporate agenda; but a more holistic and systematic approach to preparing for climate change.

Asian Corporate Coalition for Climate Change Resilience (A4CR)
A platform for a climate-resilience business community
Join A4CR to
- Access to best practices and emerging trends in climate-related risks assessment from business leaders and experts through workshops and conferences
- Connect with like-minded organisations and expand their network in the business community through formal and social events
- Benchmark against peers in the industry to evaluate gaps of tackling climate change
- Raise company profile for quality climate disclosure, climate responsible actions and green investment
1 https://www.wri.org/insights/understanding-ndcs-paris-agreement-climate-pledges / https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/nationally-determined-contributions-ndcs/nationally-determined-contributions-ndcs#eq-1
At Kowloon East’s newly-developed, landmark sustainability hub, AIRSIDE, each and every sustainable feature was carefully devised with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) in mind. Nan Fung has built for the Kai Tak community a first-of-its-kind energy efficient District Cooling System and integrated two unique, state-of-the-art sustainable facilities: (1) a comprehensive waste management system, and (2) an extensive on-site PV system – into the premises in hops of minimising AIRSIDE’s carbon emissions.
New Comprehensive Waste Management System
In an effort to help tackle the city’s substantial generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and in preparation for the upcoming MSW charging scheme, AIRSIDE has incorporated a new comprehensive waste management system, such that tenants can all effortlessly contribute to the cause. AIRSIDE is Hong Kong’s first-ever premises equipped with the Automatic Refuse Collection System (ARCS), which automatically weighs and sorts general waste and recyclables, enabling effortless, effective, and systematic waste management. With waste inlets on each floor, all waste disposal, from general waste to paper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles, will be weighed, transported, and stored in a centralised, enclosed facility for maximum hygiene. Disposed waste will then undergo corresponding treatments with the waste compactor, food waste decomposer, and glass crusher; treated waste and recyclables can also be upcycled into new products and form part of AIRSIDE’s very own circular economy. Tenants can track real-time waste disposal data, see building benchmarks, and devise carbon reduction plans accordingly. The implementation of a comprehensive waste management system at AIRSIDE will hopefully motivate behavioural change, minimise tenant waste generation, and foster a smooth transition into other green initiatives, such as green leases and the MSW charging scheme. AIRSIDE’s embrace of WHOLENESS is perhaps best exemplified through this powerful stride forward as the city works towards a sustainable tomorrow.

Operational flow of ARCS
Largest PV Farm in Hong Kong

PV panels at podium roof

Nan Fung Strives to Develop A Low Carbon Community
Nan Fung is one of Hong Kong’s leading sustainable developers striving to develop an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible community. AIRSIDE exemplifies Nan Fung’s integration of its four core values, “Quality, Value, Innovation and Service”, into our business activities; at AIRSIDE, we embrace new ideas and technologies, build smarter, and proactively implement green initiatives for a sustainable future.

International Conference on Advancing Net Zero Concluded with Huge Success!

Themed “Decarbonising High-rise, High-density, Sub-tropical Cities”, the Conference aims to enhance the knowledge of Hong Kong’s building and construction professionals, as well as those from other parts of the world, on the latest concepts, trends, strategies and technical solutions to decarbonise and advance towards a net zero and sustainable built environment in a high-rise, high-density, sub-tropical city context.
Over 60 renowned speakers from Green Building Councils, building and construction industry, academia and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region had been featured in various plenary sessions, technical presentation sessions and panel discussions.

Mr WONG Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Mr Michael WONG, Secretary for Development, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
To set the scene for the 4-day programme, representatives from the World Green Building Council and Green Building Councils in Shenzhen, Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines and Hong Kong shared the latest international trends in decarbonising the built environment. The morning session was concluded by a fruitful Panel Discussion moderated by Ms Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and top business leaders of the property development sector in Hong Kong - Mr Tim Blackburn, Chief Executive of Swire Properties Limited; Mr Adriel CHAN, Vice Chair of Hang Lung Properties Limited; Mr Donald CHOI, Chief Executive Officer of Chinachem Group; Ms Ellie TANG, Head of Sustainability of New World Development Company Limited; Ir Dr Conrad WONG, Vice Chairman of Yau Lee Holdings Limited and Mr Johnny YU, Advisor to Chairman of Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd on the urgent needs and strategies for net zero buildings . All the panelists expressed that they have been taking carbon neutrality seriously, target-setting, harnessing technology and innovation, holistic stakeholder engagement, etc., were among the key measures they have been taking to build a net zero future. While afternoon programme featured technical presentations on transformational health and sustainability policies, resilience and adaptability and leadership transforming industry.

The second day of the Conference was kick started by Opening Remarks of Mr Michael WONG, Secretary for Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The rest of the programme focused on the Advancing Net Zero in-depth case studies on Commercial & Residential Buildings from different experts and technical presentations on enhancing health and well-being with net zero buildings, research and solutions of passive design and active design.
Day 3 programme focused on three case studies of educational institutions and amenity/public buildings, and research and solutions on embodied carbon. While Day 4 featured three case studies of technology / system-rich buildings, presentations of GBCIdeas organised by Green Building Council Indonesia as well as presentations by Winners of Hong Kong’s first-ever Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition and the award ceremony.
We hope that all the participants enjoyed the Conference from the knowledgeable, inspiring and thought-provoking presentations and discussions!
A All presentation videos will be made available online in mid-December, watch out for our Conference webpage updates if you have missed any part the Conference! Let’s join hands to foster net zero built environment!

Future Building Category Winners: Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd. Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited Merits: Eckersley O'Callaghan Asia Limited Modus Architecture Ltd Leigh & Orange Ltd |
Existing Building Category Winner: Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited Merits: LWK + PARTNERS Woods Bagot |

Group photo of Organiser, Principal Partner and winners of Advancing Net Zero (ANZ) Ideas Competition:
Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council (Right 4); Mrs Elizabeth KOK, Director and Senior Advisor of Swire Properties (Left 4); Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG, Chairperson of the Organising Committee of the Competition (Right 3); Representatives of Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd (Right 1-2); Representatives of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (Left 1-3).
To help encourage a transformation in the market, not only will all the valuable and pioneering solutions from the winners and merits be published in an e-book hosted on HKGBC’s website but also showcased via a series of public exhibition. The first exhibition which commenced on 29 Novemner at Linkbridge, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place (between 29 November – 17 December) , was witnessed by Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, Chairman of HKGBC, Mrs Elizabeth KOK, Director and Senior Advisor of Swire Properties, Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG, Chairperson of the Organising Committee of the Competition and the guests.

Three winners explained the design concept of their entries at the opening ceremony and received encouragement and praise from the guests.
The winning entries will travel to various districts in Hong Kong with details to be announced. The exhibition at Taikoo Place will last until 17 December and wait for everybody’s visit. Dialogues with the Government will also be held to hopefully fast track the solutions to the policy level. The Council would yet again like to express its sincere thanks for the support given by all the Supporting Partners, Organisations and participants.

Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower, a new hostel at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has achieved Platinum rating under BEAM Plus New Buildings. The project used Building Information Modelling (BIM) not only to optimise planning and design but also to facilitate coordination and communication between stakeholders. The BIM model is planned to be handed over to the facility management team for future use.
Apart from using BIM, InnoCell at Hong Kong Science Park also widely adopted Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method for its flat units, leading the project to attain BEAM Plus Platinum rating. Integrated modules were manufactured and assembled in factory, followed by on-site installation. It shortened the construction time and reduced site environmental impacts. MiC method improves productivity, safety and sustainability in construction.
Also certified as Platinum, Ying Tung Estate in Tung Chung also performed well in the construction process. Hard-paved construction site was adopted to facilitate storage of materials, minimise waste, reduce dust and enhance worker safety.
Explore more green buildings at BEAM Plus Online Exhibition!
InnoCell, Hong Kong Science Park

The table below consolidates data from 374 NB projects, which completed both PA and FA as of 12 November 2021. The green cells show that the majority of the projects have achieved either the same or a higher rating in the FA. In fact, it is encouraging to note that a significant portion of the projects have actually achieved a rating that is better than the PA, indicating that most developers placed great emphasis on the PA results and improved the building design and/or the BEAM Plus submissions before they enrol in the FA.