Sino Land Makes ESG Strides with New Goals, Ratings and Initiatives
Hong Kong Green Building Council Celebrates its 13th Anniversary and Pledges Continued Dedication to Driving Sustainability
Greater Bay Area Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2022 Ends the Year on a High Note!
Celebrating Success at the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2022 Presentation Ceremony
BEAM Plus Certificate Presentation Ceremony 2022 – BEAM Plus Achieves New Breadth and Depth for a Sustainable Future
Hong Kong Green Building Council Joins Hands with BOCHK to Promote Green Building and Green Mortgages
Sino Land Makes ESG Strides with New Goals, Ratings and Initiatives

- a constituent member in the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series since 2012;
- a Regional Top-rated ESG Performer by Sustainalytics;
- a recipient of ‘A’ rating in the MSCI ESG Indices;
- a Global Listed Sector Leader in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (‘GRESB’) with the highest five-star rating in the 2022 Real Estate Assessment

Hong Kong Green Building Council Celebrates its 13th Anniversary and Pledges Continued Dedication to Driving Sustainability

In his Welcome Speech, HKGBC Chairman Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, highlighted the Council’s milestones and achievements in 2022. The event was graced by Guest of Honour, Ms Bernadette LINN, JP, Secretary for Development of the Government of the HKSAR, who congratulated HKGBC on its achievements over the years in fostering a sustainable built environment. Looking forward, she stated that the government would continue to join hands with the industry to nurture the advancements in technology and building methods that are crucial to the industry’s success. As this year marks the last anniversary event presided over by Mr CHEUNG, Ms LINN also expressed her appreciation for his contribution during the years of his chairmanship, which has helped propel the HKGBC to new heights.

The Council took this occasion to share with all its stakeholders some wonderful news – after being nominated by the HKGBC, the InnoCell project won the “Leadership in Sustainable Design and Performance Award (Residential)” and Henderson Land Development Company Limited bagged the “Business Leadership in Sustainability Award” at the Asia Pacific Leadership in Green Building Awards 2022 organised by the World Green Building Council. Congratulations to these two winning teams! It is our sincere hope that Hong Kong will maintain its leadership role in the Asia Pacific region for many years to come!
Thank you to all stakeholders for supporting the Hong Kong Green Building Council over the past 13 years. The Council remains committed to working hand in hand with all stakeholders to work towards carbon neutrality and building a greener city!
Greater Bay Area Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2022 Ends the Year on a High Note!

To view the presentation materials provided with the Speakers' consent, please visit our event page. For a full recording, please visit our online training portal. The Council is delighted that this important conference has once again helped to give new momentum to the green building agenda!
Celebrating Success at the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2022 Presentation Ceremony
The Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance (HKGSA) Award 2022 Presentation Ceremony concluded successfully on 12 December 2022 at Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District. Around 90 special guests and representatives from shopping malls and shops participated to recognise each other’s green efforts and show support for the Alliance’s goal this year: “Co-creating Good Results in Green Shopping. Joining hands to Achieve Carbon Neutrality”(「共建綠購好成果,攜手達致碳中和」).

To promote the collaborative efforts of industry members in fostering a green shopping environment, sharing sessions were held to share knowledge and best practices. Judges from the HKGSA Award 2022, including Ir Kenny WONG, Head of Carbon & Environmental Excellence, Hong Kong Productivity Council; Mr Wilson KWONG, Chairman, Environment & Sustainability Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; and Mr Simon WONG, President, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades, expressed their heartfelt views on the current retail and catering businesses’ green shopping practices and strategies at a special session “Talk Green” (「講 Green ( 堅 ) 嗰句」). Meanwhile, Awardee Sharing Sessions were also conducted for winning organisations to share how they incorporated waste reduction, energy saving, and carbon reduction into daily operations.

To add further lustre to the event, consultants from Buro Happold conducted a green building tour after the ceremony to provide guests with an eye-opening experience of the state-of-the-art architectural design and green features of Xiqu Centre, which is certified with BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.2 Gold Rating.

The Council would like to congratulate all the winners again and thank them for their dedication to enhancing Hong Kong’s green shopping environment! Click here for the full awardee list.
BEAM Plus Certificate Presentation Ceremony 2022 – BEAM Plus Achieves New Breadth and Depth for a Sustainable Future
Co-organised by the HKGBC and the BEAM Society Limited, the BEAM Plus Certificate Presentation Ceremony 2022 was successfully held on 8 December 2022. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr David LAM Chi-man, JP, Under Secretary for Development, and Ms Diane WONG Shuk-han, JP, Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the Government of the HKSAR. This year, 112 projects were certified with BEAM Plus.
To recognise the growing support of BEAM Plus, two new awards were established this year. Heartfelt congratulations go to the Hong Kong Housing Authority for winning “Most Active Participation in BEAM Plus New Buildings”, and Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited for winning “Most Active Participation in Existing Buildings Volume Certification”. They have had a large number of building projects certified with BEAM Plus this year and in last three years respectively.
As of now, there are around 2,200 registered BEAM Plus projects, covering a Gross Floor Area exceeding 73 million sq. m., equivalent to the total pitch area of 7,500 Hong Kong Stadiums. This translates to expected savings of 1.4 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity annually.

Hong Kong Green Building Council Joins Hands with BOCHK to Promote Green Building and Green Mortgages
To promote the development of green building in green finance sector, the Hong Kong Green Building Council is collaborating with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK), the Council’s first Platinum Patron Member, to launch a series of green building feature articles. It is hoped that these articles will help the public learn more about up-and-coming trends in green building, their importance and their benefits, thereby also increasing people’s awareness of green mortgages.

BOCHK is committed to facilitating sustainable development of both the community and the environment. It launched its first green mortgage plan in Hong Kong last year, followed by many other green finance products. This year, BOCHK continues to work with the Council and launches a series of green building feature articles provided by the Council through their “Home Expert” mobile application.
The articles range from elementary to advanced levels, covering everything from the meaning of green building to ancillary facilities, design features, building materials trends, the latest technologies, operational management, and the property value of green buildings. Interested parties can freely read any of this information anytime, anywhere, simply by opening the “Home Expert” application and clicking “More”, “Smart Living” and “Know more about Green Buildings”. For more details, click here

BOCHK’s Green Mortgage Plan is applicable for purchasing first-hand/second-hand private and government subsidised residential projects that have attained the BEAM Plus Platinum or Gold ratings. Click here to check all residential projects with mentioned BEAM Plus ratings.