Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited Launched Sustainability Report 2021
HKGBC Gold Patron Member, WSP, shares valuable insights with IVE students
CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited Launched Sustainability Report 2021
Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) has published its Sustainability Report 2021, showcasing its concerted programme of sustainability actions over the past year. The report was curated with four sustainability pillars - operating with integrity, putting our people first, engaging our community, and managing natural resources. It also features the environmental and social achievements, sound corporate governance practices, ongoing focus and plans, and highlights its human-centric approach in practicing and promoting sustainability.
As part of the continuing Green Terminal journey, Hactl has taken unrelenting action, moving towards its goals of achieving Net-zero. During the year, the company reduced absolute carbon emissions by 38% since 2015, recycled 99% of plastic and 95% of paper consumed, and achieved Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Interiors V1.0 in the office refurbishment project.
The company has further advanced its staff engagement tactics, through hosting a range of events to develop knowledge outside their duty and build capacity for corporate sustainability. The annual Green Week was a notable example illustrating how Hactl empowered the employees to work collectively with NGOs, and hence present the practical yet sustainability-related knowledge they have gained at a physical Green Market event.
Hactl Green Week 2021 featured a physical Green Market
In time of 45th anniversary, Hactl coordinated a variety of events for the committed team. Adhering to the principles, the company collaborated with local social enterprises and NGOs to produce a series of gifts for its staff, including mementoes upcycled from discarded wooden pallets, handcrafted chocolates by people with special educational needs, eco-friendly beeswax wrappers designed by people in recovery from mental illness, and a sustainability-themed calendar. This provided the opportunity for the company to show the appreciation to the colleagues, while also promoting sustainability.
Moving forward, the company will keep joining hands with stakeholders to create the most sustainable, environmentally friendly air cargo handling operation in the world.
To find out more about Hactl’s sustainability journey and approach, please visit: https://sustainability.hactl.com/
45th anniversary mementoes made from upcycled wood

HKGBC Gold Patron Member, WSP, shares valuable insights with IVE students

Themed “MiC Technology to Reduce Construction Waste”, the sharing sessions aimed to engage the younger generation with the latest innovative solutions for construction waste reduction. Mr Richard LEE, Managing Director of Building Structures, and Mr WL CHAN, Senior Associate of Building Structures, brought their deep insight on MiC technology and the important role it plays to reduce waste, enhance productivity and save costs. The participating students also had the chance to enjoy in-depth discussions with the two experts from WSP to gain a macro view of industry practices.
The Council would like to thank WSP and IVE for jointly nurturing the younger generation. We will continue to work together with our Members to showcase their green achievements to a variety of audiences in the future.

Mr Richard LEE, Managing Director of Building Structures, and Mr WL CHAN, Senior Associate of Building Structures, at WSP were speakers in the sharing sessions.
CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus
Lions College received a BEAM Plus subsidy from the CLP Subsidy Scheme
To enhance the energy efficiency of existing buildings in Hong Kong, the CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus was launched in 2019. By subsidising the cost of BEAM Plus assessments, the Scheme encourages schools and charitable organisations to adopt best practices in energy management, and supports the development of green buildings in Hong Kong. In the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022, eligible schools and organisations that have achieved "Excellent" or "Very Good" ratings under the Energy Use aspect of "BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme" are able to apply for BEAM Plus assessment subsidies. Most recently, Lions College successfully received a subsidy by achieving the grade of Excellent in the Energy Use aspect.
Applications will be accepted until the end of 2022. Grasp the chance to get your buildings certified at a reduced cost! For more details of the CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus, please visit here.