Sun Hung Kai Properties Issues Latest Sustainability Report on ESG Performance and Climate-related Disclosure
WSP Fosters Sustainable Development through Serving the Community
Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2022 - Creating Social Impact on the Zero Carbon Journey in Hong Kong
Exclusive Policy Luncheon 2022 Initiates Profound Exchange between Government and Industry Leaders
"BEAM Plus Existing Schools" Now Open for Registration

Sun Hung Kai Properties Issues Latest Sustainability Report on ESG Performance and Climate-related Disclosure

- Progress was on track with our 10-year environmental targets, including greenhouse gas emissions, electricity consumption, water use and construction waste diversion rate, established last year
- Awarded 108 green-building-related certificates in Hong Kong as of June 2022. Two IFC became the first building in Hong Kong to be awarded LEED Platinum certification under v4.1 Operations and Maintenance: Existing Buildings during the reporting year
- Building one of the city’s largest solar-energy generation networks

Building an extensive renewable energy network – solar panels at ICC
- Employed 485 people with physical or mental disabilities, and 755 people of ethnic minorities to provide fair employment opportunities
- Delivered around 7,600 classes, seminars and online programmes, totalling more than 216,000 training hours to develop employees’ talents

Supporting youth on career development in Hong Kong and the mainland
- Leveraged smart technologies, particularly 5G network and developed mobile applications, to enhance smart living and property management
- Newly-launched Go Royal programme of the five Royal hotels has become the largest hotel and shopping loyalty programme in Hong Kong

Robot team provides and enhances services for residents and other users of properties
- Refined the Sustainable Supply Chain Management Guideline to strengthen supply chain management in construction arm. No assessed suppliers were considered to have high sustainability risks
- Recorded a below industry average accident rate of 10.3 per 1,000 workers at construction sites
- Employed smart technologies in construction. SHKP became Hong Kong’s first property developer to adopt the Rotational Bridge Launching Construction

Leveraging technology to add value in construction - the first-ever rotational bridge launching construction at The YOHO Hub
- Supported combat of the fifth wave of COVID-19 by lending two sites for free for community isolation facilities, including the 10-hecture site at Tam Mi, Yuen Long; providing two commercial spaces for community vaccination centres; and donating caring kits for people in need
- Officially launched United Court in June as Hong Kong’s largest transitional housing project in full operation to date, providing 1,800 units for families awaiting public housing

Transitional housing – United Court for underprivileged families
Click HERE to learn more details from Sun Hung Kai Properties’ 2021/22 Sustainability Report.

WSP Fosters Sustainable Development through Serving the Community
Support Ethnic Minorities and Cultivate Racial Harmony
WSP joined hands with a local social enterprise to help South Asian primary students explore what secondary school life is like by introducing different facilities and features inside the school – for example visiting the STEM lab where kids had a chance to experience some latest e-sports games; learn a new throwing game called Mölkky originated in Finland, and make a ‘real’ Minecraft torch, in a bid to equip students for future campus life, while staying curious and open to new knowledge.
Saving the Environment through Actions
Protecting the environmental quality and minimising the impact of pollution are critical to improve health and wellbeing and achieve sustainable development. WSP takes proactive actions to participate in beach clean-up to remove various kinds of waste to rehabilitate the coastal and ocean ecosystem and turn the beach into a more pleasant and safer place for everyone.
Spreading Care through Visit to Elderly
To help the disadvantaged and create lasting positive impacts for the communities, our WSP Volunteer Team makes continued effort to engage a number of volunteers and social workers to send care to the elderly with low mobility or living alone in remote village on Lantau Island, helping them connect with the community and reach out to the resources available.
Building Rapport with the Disabled
To support people with physical disability to overcome the barrier of participating in sports and activities, WSP volunteers collaborated with a sport climbing training centre to assist wheelchair users to climb up the wall with specially made rope and experience the thrill of climbing. WSP endeavours to provide a friendly welcome to make every individual a part of our community, promote disability inclusion and share the spirit of ‘never settle’.

Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2022 - Creating Social Impact on the Zero Carbon Journey in Hong Kong

Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2022, organised by the Chinachem Group and co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, was successfully held on 24 October 2022. The Conference attracted nearly 500 in-person participants and about 1,200 online attendees in the morning and afternoon sessions.
Mr Chris TROTT, Head of Sustainability and Partner from Foster + Partners in the UK, introduced the green features of Ombú, which is a historic industrial building retrofit that creates a sustainable exemplar of building reuse and revitalisation of the surrounding area.
Dr Stephen WONG, Vice President of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association, stated that Hong Kong is well-positioned to lead the way in coping with the climate crisis. He also urged the city to move forward and explore developing itself as a global voluntary carbon market.
Believing that finance can support and incentivise the efficient usage of resources in the built environment, Mr Jonathan DREW, Head of Global Banking Sustainability, Asia-Pacific of HSBC, explored how finance providers can change the way they make choices with sustainability as a critical consideration.
The morning session was concluded by a panel discussion moderated by Dr Thomas TANG, Executive Director, Land Supply/Municipal, Hong Kong at AECOM to discuss whether the current effort on green building and green finance development is good and fast enough to reach the 2050 net zero target, as well as what further can be done.
Mr WONG Kam-sing, Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the HKSAR, kicked off the afternoon session to outline Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and its major decarbonisation strategies. He also highlighted how industry players and the community are being engaged to support strategies in green building development.
Through sharing the experience of Central Market and 618 Shanghai Street in his presentation, Mr Eric POON, Executive Director, Commercial at the Urban Renewal Authority demonstrated how sustainable urban regeneration is brought about via adaptively reusing historical buildings for the community.
From the perspective of a developer, Mr Donald CHOI, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Chinachem Group, presented the ESG focus and triple bottom line of the value of the Group. He also detailed the Group’s deployment of innovative construction methods, as well as the revitalisation and Placemaking of the Central Market to create social value.
Introducing the green features of Tai Kwun, Ms Chin Chin TEOH, Director, Tai Kwun at The Jockey Club CPS demonstrated how a center for heritage and arts can promote sustainability through environmentalism and building stronger communities together.
Prof. Stephen TANG, Head of Countryside Conservation presented the case study - ECO-SMART toilet project in Lai Chi Wo to demonstrate how smart technology, eco and user-friendly design are integrated to achieve Advancing Net Zero standards.
Dr Rocco YIM, Principal of Rocco Design Architects Associates, challenged the common assumption that design priorities for cultural buildings and their green features are incompatible by presenting two projects - the Hong Kong Palace Museum and the East Kowloon Cultural Centre.
The afternoon panel discussion was moderated by Mr Vincent NG, Chairman of Harbourfront Commission. The session addressed the challenges of combining green, cultural and heritage development, as well as garnering public support and community participation in the process.
The Conference was concluded by Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, Chairman of HKGBC, with his closing remarks. He called on all participants at the Conference, who are leaders in the building, utilities, construction, green finance, and heritage conservation sector, as well as developers, to bring on board other members of the society to co-create and energise.

Exclusive Policy Luncheon 2022 Initiates Profound Exchange between Government and Industry Leaders

“BEAM Plus Existing Schools” Now Open for Registration