CLP Empowers Customers in Their Decarbonisation Journey via Demand Side Management
Hong Kong Green Building Week 2022 Officially Kicks Off
HKGBC Supports Faster Payment System (FPS)

CLP Empowers Customers in Their Decarbonisation Journey via Demand Side Management
Our climate is rapidly changing and temperatures around the world continue to rise, resulting with growing demand of electricity, especially in the summer. Among its energy efficiency promotions and initiatives, CLP has stepped up its Demand Side Management measures to help its business and residential customers lower peak electricity demand to achieve energy efficiency in support of the government’s long-term decarbonisation strategy.

Peak Demand Management Programme for Business Customers
Since 2013, CLP has been rolling out its Peak Demand Management Programme for commercial and industrial customers by offering rewards to those successful in reducing their electricity consumption. With the strong support of commercial and industrial customers, the programme could reduce more than 60MW system demand at annual peak.
Since 2013, CLP has been rolling out its Peak Demand Management Programme for commercial and industrial customers by offering rewards to those successful in reducing their electricity consumption. With the strong support of commercial and industrial customers, the programme could reduce more than 60MW system demand at annual peak.

Click here to learn more about CLP Peak Demand Management Programme.
Energy-Saving Missions Programme for Residential Customers

CLP has also been running its Energy-Saving Missions Programme for residential customers since 2020, where selected smart meter customers are encouraged to save energy at peak demand times during summer and earn rewards. This year’s Energy-Saving Missions events were carried out with around 600,000 participating households. The outstanding results were driven by the enthusiastic support of the following property management companies that helped to promote the programme and remind customers on event day:

✓ Citybase Property Management Limited
✓ Guardian Property Management Limited
✓ Hong Kong Housing Authority
✓ Hong Kong Housing Society
✓ Hong Yip Service Company Limited
✓ Kai Shing Management Services Limited
✓ MTR Corporation Limited
✓ Nan Fung Property Management
✓ Sino Estates Management Limited
✓ Synergis Management Services Limited
Click here to learn more about CLP Energy-Saving Missions Programme.
Embark on your sustainability journey with CLP today by embracing a low-carbon lifestyle for a brighter tomorrow!

Hong Kong Green Building Week 2022 Officially Kicks Off
Co-organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), the Kick-off Ceremony of the annual public campaign “Hong Kong Green Building Week (HKGBW) 2022” was successfully held on 24 September at CIC-Zero Carbon Park. Officiating at the ceremony and kicking off the campaign were Mr TSE Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environment and Ecology, The Government of the HKSAR, Ir Thomas HO On-shing, JP, Chairman of the CIC, and Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC. Around 100 guests including government officials and industry stakeholders also attended the ceremony to witness the official campaign launch.

During the event, the Officiating Guests shared the latest Government and industry strategies for achieving carbon neutrality. To echo the theme “10 out of 10 for Green Building. Carbon Neutrality by 2050!”, they also created a “Greenbuildingverse” model green city by putting together green building blocks one by one, symbolising that all three parties will work together to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

A 10-year Review
At the ceremony, our special guest Alexandra, who participated in the HKGBW TV commercials from 2020 to 2022, was invited to travel in a time machine and review the campaign’s success over the last 10 years! VIP Guests Mr WONG Kam-sing, Former Secretary for the Environment, added to this retrospective by sharing his precious memories of the HKGBW.
Award Presentation of “10 out of 10 for Green Building KOL Video Competition”
The Officiating Guests also presented awards to the winners of the “10 out of 10 for Green Building KOL Video Competition”. This event, which was the opening activity of HKGBW 2022 held from July to August 2022, enjoyed strong support from the general public.

Biz-Green Dress Day Highlight Video
Regarding the Biz-Green Dress Day held on 7 September, the Council likewise received record-breaking support from more than 180 organisations this year. The HKGBW’s upgraded mascot, “Captain Green Building", visited the offices of Arup and Bank of China (Hong Kong) with his sidekick “Hanson”. Both companies shared valuable insights on how to be biz-green and reduce carbon emissions! In addition, our “10 Biz-Green Outfits Social Challenge” received overwhelming participation, with all companies and organisations making great effort to take gorgeous photos. The winners of the Biz-Green Style Award, Most Engaged Award and Most Popular Award are all featured in our Biz-Green Dress Day. Check out the video now!

The campaign Kick-off Ceremony also marked the official launch of "Greenbuildingverse", a two-week online interactive game that encourages participants to finish both online and onsite missions, and together strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Click here to explore the carbon-neutral Greenbuildingverse!
The campaign Kick-off Ceremony also marked the official launch of "Greenbuildingverse", a two-week online interactive game that encourages participants to finish both online and onsite missions, and together strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Click here to explore the carbon-neutral Greenbuildingverse!

HKGBC Supports Faster Payment System (FPS)
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is committed to training many more green building professionals. By integrating the latest green building standards and practices into everyday building planning, design, construction and operation, HKGBC aims to develop a sustainable built environment and help Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In order to facilitate the payment of trainings and annual fees, HKGBC now supports the Faster Payment System (FPS) as a new payment method.

HKGBC regularly organises different Continuing Professional Development (CPD) events and training programmes, all of which are designed to equip BEAM Practitioners with the latest green building knowledge and skills. More importantly is to promote carbon neutrality to the industry.

To make this intensive programme of events and trainings even more convenient and accessible, BEAM Practitioners can now use FPS for online payment in addition to credit card transactions. By inputting only the recipient’s phone number, email or FPS identifier, users can finish their payment in a simple, instant and convenient way. This service covers the registration fee of CPD events organised by HKGBC, course fees from the HKGBC Online training platform (OTP) and the payment of Annual Qualification Renewal Fees for BEAM Pro and BEAM Affiliate qualifications.