CLP Renewable Energy Certificates: An In-Demand Decarbonisation Solution
Paul Y. Engineering Group's Environmental Performance
Green Building Award 2023 – Be Our Sponsor!
Climate Change Framework For Built Environment Launching Ceremony
Green Performance of New Building Projects Reaches New Heights
CLP Renewable Energy Certificates: An In-Demand Decarbonisation Solution
Building a sustainable future for Hong Kong requires effort from all sectors of society. The Government's plan to make the city carbon neutral by 2050 is backed by a growing number of leading corporations that are embracing sustainable business initiatives to lower their carbon footprint. As a trusted energy partner to its business customers, CLP strives to promote decarbonisation and accelerate low-carbon business transformation through cost-effective energy-saving solutions.
The adoption of low-carbon or zero-carbon energy sources is one of the most direct and effective measures for carbon emissions reduction. CLP Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) offer CLP's business customers a simple and flexible option to support local clean energy development. RECs allow businesses to not only claim emissions-reduction benefits but also support their green business practices and enhance their corporate image. To fulfil different clean energy demands, CLP provides a 24/7 renewable fuel mix comprising solar power, wind power, and landfill gas projects generated or purchased by CLP. From data centres and banks to hotels and restaurants, businesses have a variety of purchasing options, such as bulk and long-term plans, to meet their distinct needs and facilitate a flexible low-carbon transition.
Since its launch, the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) programme has been welcomed by CLP's business customers. As of the end of December 2022, more than 120GWh of RECs have been sold, equivalent to a reduction of 48,000* tonnes of carbon emissions. 2022 has seen a remarkable growth in long-term bulk purchases of RECs, thanks to the company's corporate customers including HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, AirTrunk, Citigroup, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl), UNIQLO, GU, Rosewood Hong Kong, and more. Buy Renewable Energy Certificates now to support local renewable energy development and claim emission reduction benefits!
CLP will continue to collaborate with businesses to support local renewable energy development for a low-carbon and sustainable future. Together, we can make Hong Kong a greener, smarter city.
For more information, please visit: Renewable Energy Certificates(clp.com.hk)
Remark: *Calculation based on the carbon intensity of the electricity sold by CLP Power in Hong Kong from 2019 to 2021.
Paul Y. Engineering Group's Environmental Performance
Gold Award at Architectural Services Department Green Contractor Award 2022
Paul Y. – Able Joint Venture received the “Green Contractor Gold Award” under the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) Green Contract Award 2022 for the Design and Construction of Redevelopment of Queen Mary Hospital Phase 1 – Main Works at Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong for the fourth consecutive year.
Being conferred the award for the fourth year in a row is a recognition of Paul Y. – Able Joint Venture's consistent environmental performance on the project. Paul Y. – Able Joint Venture thanks ArchSD for entrusting Paul Y. – Able Joint Venture with this significant hospital project and the project team for its unwavering efforts in the implementation of sustainable initiatives and practices during project delivery.

Paul Y. was proud to be recognised at the 2021 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) and Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) Presentation Ceremony for its sustainability commitments.
In particular, Paul Y. was honoured to win the HKGIA – Gold Award together with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and Ampd Energy Limited for the collaborative efforts in adopting the Enertainer Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in the Construction Industry sector.
Other Green News
Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited was also pleased to receive the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification which recognises its ongoing environmental efforts as a Hong Kong Green Organisation.
In addition, CRCC – Paul Y. Joint Venture was recognised as a Hong Kong Green Organisation by the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification for Contract No. ND/2019/05 - Fanling North New Development Area Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shung Him Tong to Kau Lung Hang) in recognition of its commitment and efforts in implementing environmental initiatives on the project.
Paul Y. wishes to thank its business partners and project teams for their commitment and efforts in embracing sustainable practices to improve the environment.

Green Building Award 2023 – Be Our Sponsor!

The Green Building Award 2023 (GBA 2023) welcomes sponsors to join us in promoting a sustainable built environment and to enjoy a series of exclusive opportunities for exposure.
By sponsoring the award, corporates and organisations can highlight their commitment to excellence in sustainability and position themselves as key market drivers for the wellbeing of our community.
As a sponsor, you will enjoy a range of exclusive benefits, including:
1. Exclusive advertising exposure in local newspaper supplements
2. Promotion across both online and offline HKGBC channels
3. Acknowledgement on GBA 2023 publicity materials
4. Complimentary seats at the GBA 2023 Award Presentation Dinner
5. High-level presence at the GBA 2023 Award Presentation Dinner among industry players
Sponsorship Level:
Green City Sponsor HK$250,000
Blue Sky Sponsor HK$170,000
Golden Field Sponsor HK$100,000
Silver Sea Sponsor HK$ 60,000
More details can be found in our Sponsorship Package >>> www.gba.org.hk/become-our-sponsor
About the Award
The biennial Green Building Award has been jointly organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2010, and was inaugurated by the PGBC in 2006.
Taking the theme of “Embracing Wellbeing • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment”, GBA 2023 covers five categories: New Buildings (NB), Existing Buildings (EB), Research & Planning (RP), Building Products & Technologies (BPT), and Green Building Leadership (GBL). Industry practitioners are invited to nominate outstanding projects and organisations across any of these categories.
By sponsoring the award, corporates and organisations can highlight their commitment to excellence in sustainability and position themselves as key market drivers for the wellbeing of our community.
As a sponsor, you will enjoy a range of exclusive benefits, including:
1. Exclusive advertising exposure in local newspaper supplements
2. Promotion across both online and offline HKGBC channels
3. Acknowledgement on GBA 2023 publicity materials
4. Complimentary seats at the GBA 2023 Award Presentation Dinner
5. High-level presence at the GBA 2023 Award Presentation Dinner among industry players
Sponsorship Level:
Green City Sponsor HK$250,000
Blue Sky Sponsor HK$170,000
Golden Field Sponsor HK$100,000
Silver Sea Sponsor HK$ 60,000
More details can be found in our Sponsorship Package >>> www.gba.org.hk/become-our-sponsor
About the Award
The biennial Green Building Award has been jointly organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2010, and was inaugurated by the PGBC in 2006.
Taking the theme of “Embracing Wellbeing • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment”, GBA 2023 covers five categories: New Buildings (NB), Existing Buildings (EB), Research & Planning (RP), Building Products & Technologies (BPT), and Green Building Leadership (GBL). Industry practitioners are invited to nominate outstanding projects and organisations across any of these categories.
Climate Change Framework For Built Environment Launching Ceremony

The Ceremony brought together industry leaders and experts to chart a path towards decarbonisation. Representatives from the government and various sectors also shared their ongoing efforts to adapt to climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

Dr Samuel CHUI, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, the Government of the HKSAR (second right), Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (second left), Ir PAN Shu-jie, Chairman – Sustainable Development Committee of the HKGBC (first right), and Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP (Framework Convenor), Executive Director of the HKGBC (first left) joined the Launching Ceremony of the “Climate Change Framework for Built Environment”.
Dr Samuel CHUI, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, the Government of the HKSAR, served as the Guest of Honour at the ceremony. In his speech, Dr CHUI emphasised the importance of the Framework in facilitating the transition of Hong Kong's building sector towards carbon neutrality. During the event, representatives from the government and various subject area experts likewise discussed and shared their insights on climate change, green finance, and carbon neutrality-related issues.

Ms Sandy SONG, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory, the Government of the HKSAR (left photo), and Mr Willy MAK, Senior Manager – Banking Policy Department, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Government of the HKSAR (right photo), were invited to deliver presentations in the Launching Ceremony.

A panel discussion moderated by Ir Dr Bruce CHONG, Director of Climate & Sustainability of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited, featuring Prof. Jack CHENG (Chapter 2 Convenor), Associate Head and Professor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ir Dr Raymond YAU (Chapter 3 Convenor), General Manager – Technical Services & Sustainable Development of Swire Properties Limited and Ms Grace KWOK (Chapter 4 & 5 Convenor), Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group, was held.
The Framework aims to serve as a toolbox for the building sector in Hong Kong in setting net zero carbon goals, reporting environmental, social and governance achievements, justifying green finance requirements, and managing climate risks. It sets out clear definitions of decarbonisation in buildings, together with calculation methods of energy and carbon based on those definitions, as well as benchmarking schemes, and reference data for managing climate risks.
Using this Framework, carbon reduction certifications have also been developed for the industry and building owners to advance their net zero goals. With the support of more than ten major developers in Hong Kong, the HKGBC will launch its “Zero-Carbon-Ready Building Certification Scheme” later this year.
For the full version of the “Climate Change Framework For Built Environment”, please click here to download.
Green Performance of New Building Projects Reaches New Heights
BEAM Plus is the dominant green building rating system adopted in Hong Kong. Launched almost 13 years ago, it is now the key green building criterion for local developers and designers. In fact, government projects and the projects of large developers typically set their design targets at BEAM Plus Gold level or above. With a rich breadth of accumulated experience to draw upon, more and more private developers and organisations are also adopting the BEAM Plus Gold rating as their design target for new buildings.
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) has continually analysed the grading distribution of BEAM Plus results over the years. Initially, the percentage of projects obtaining a Gold rating or above stood at about 40%. In recent years, however, this has risen to more than 60% (see Figure 1). Regarding the credit achievement rates among the latest BEAM Plus New Buildings (v2.0) projects, the following credits are found to have particularly high achievement rates:
(a) IDCM7 – Measures to reduce site emissions
(b) SS3a – Sustainable urban design
(c) MW12a – Additional recyclables collection
(d) EU2 – Reduction of carbon emissions
(e) WU1a and WU7 – Potable water saving and reducing effluent discharge
(f) HWB8a – Indoor air quality in occupied spaces
These encouraging results reflect the rising performance of Hong Kong's green buildings. We are confident that further advances in the industry will cement Hong Kong’s status as a role model of a sustainable city in a high-density and sub-tropical setting.

Figure 1: Distribution of Provisional Assessment (PA) ratings among New Buildings project