Swire Properties Launches Sustainable Development Report 2022
Link Launched Hong Kong's first sustainability education and collaboration platform
ATAL's Parent Company Analogue Launched its 2022 ESG Report
Green Building Award 2023 – Submit your Nominations Now!
Hong Kong: Green Building in Action – Latest Update on Hong Kong's Green Building Achievements
Hong Kong Green Building Week 2023 “Let's Unite! Green Building KOL Video Competition” - Call for Submissions!
The Launch of Chinese Versions of “BEAM Plus New Data Centres”
Swire Properties Launches Sustainable Development Report 2022

Swire Properties recently launched its Sustainable Development (SD) Report 2022 and 2022 Highlights online.
- Global & Regional Recognitions – Ranked 4th globally and No.1 in Asia on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index; and topped the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index for the 5th consecutive year, maintaining an “AAA” rating.
- Continued Progress Towards 1.5°C-aligned SBTs – Swire Properties achieved a 28% reduction of absolute Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (compared to the 2019 baseline) and a 40% reduction in carbon intensity for its tenants' operations (compared to the 2018 baseline) and set out a Net-zero Roadmap to guide the Company's strategic investments and actions, supporting its net-zero commitment.
- Partnership With Key Stakeholders – Swire Properties launched the Green Performance Pledge (“GPP”), a performance-based landlord-tenant partnership in July 2022 and has received overwhelming interest. 52 of the Company's tenants, representing around 38% of the occupied lettable floor area of Swire Properties' Hong Kong office portfolio, are already participating. The Green Kitchen Initiative, targeted at the Company's F&B tenants also received positive feedback with 76 of its tenants recognised with Green Kitchen Awards.
- Expansion in sustainable finance – Approximately 60% of Swire Properties' current bond and facilities came from green financing. Also, the Company will pilot an internal carbon pricing mechanism in 2023 to further support its transition towards a low-carbon economy.
- Building Whole Lifecycle Carbon Management – Swire Properties showcases Two Taikoo Place's low-carbon building development strategies which span across the demolition, design, construction and operations stages and takes a deep look at its upfront embodied carbon emissions.
- Understanding the Lifecycle Carbon Emissions of Residential Projects – Swire Properties partnered with the National University of Singapore in a whole lifecycle carbon assessment for its latest residential development, EIGHT STAR STREET, to explore how different design considerations might affect the building lifecycle carbon emissions.
- Placemaking – Published the Company's third Places Impact Report, “The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou”, together with the South China University of Technology that explores the four dimensions of place – Vibrancy, Livelihood, Wellbeing and Resilience.
Link Launched Hong Kong's first sustainability education and collaboration platform

Covering 6,800 square-feet, Link Sustainability Lab is Hong Kong's first education and collaboration platform in the local community striving to make sustainability Accessible, Actionable, and Achievable by All.
Link has made "Take Eat Seriously" the Lab's first thematic exhibition to explore the connection between the modern food system and people's daily lives through fun and interactive experiences, as over 60% of the tenants in Link's Hong Kong portfolio are engaged in food-related businesses.

The Lab consists of multiple zones with permanent and thematic sustainability exhibits. The first thematic exhibition – “Take Eat Seriously" – explores the connection between the modern food system and people's daily lives.
The Opening Ceremony of the Lab was held on 22 April 2023, timed to coincide with the worldwide marking of Earth Day. It was officiated by Link Chairman Nicholas ALLEN and Chief Operating Officer Ex. Mainland China Greg CHUBB, together with Director of Environmental Protection Dr Samuel CHUI, Assistant Director (Fisheries & Marine Conservation) of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Patrick LAI, and Antony LEUNG, Chairman of Food Angel, a Hong Kong-based food rescue organisation.

The Opening Ceremony of Link Sustainability Lab was officiated by (from left to right) Food Angel Chairman Antony LEUNG, Link Chairman Nicholas ALLEN, Director of Environmental Protection Dr Samuel CHUI, Link Operating Officer Ex. Mainland China Greg CHUBB, and Assistant Director (Fisheries and Marine Conservation) of the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department Patrick LAI.
To learn more about the "Link Sustainability Lab", please visit the Lab's webpage on Link's corporate website.

ATAL's Parent Company Analogue Launched its 2022 ESG Report

ATAL Engineering Group (ATAL)'s parent company Analogue Holdings Limited (stock code: 1977) has recently launched its 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report with progress updates of the Group's four key pillars.
- Formulating a carbon-reduction target and action plan
- Adoption of advanced construction technologies in over 50% of the Group's building services projects
Driving Smart City Development:
- Application of proprietary Digital Twin technology in building management and industrial process
- Started the Group's first retro-commissioning (“RCx”) project for a commercial building
Co-creating a Sustainable Value Chain:
- Obtained the highest ratings of “Safety Star” and “Service Quality Stars” in the lift and escalator contractors' performance ratings for 40 consecutive quarters
- Average score of customer satisfaction surveys between “Good” and “Excellent”
Advancing the Group's People:
- Total training hours increased by 30% to more than 67,000 hours
- Industrial accident rate decreased by 19%
Check out the Full Report HERE to learn about the latest developments in ESG of Analogue.

Green Building Award 2023 – Submit your Nominations Now!

Online Submissions are closing on 15 June 2023 at 6:00pm (HKT)!
Taking the theme of “Embracing Wellbeing • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment”, the Green Building Award 2023 (GBA 2023) is now calling for Nominations. Online submission is available this year to extend our sustainability efforts and reduce paper waste.
The Award welcomes all nominations that stretch the boundaries of sustainability and accelerate Hong Kong's development into a city that provides wellbeing for all. Winners stand a chance to further compete for the WorldGBC Asia Pacific Leadership in Green Building Awards to receive regional and global acclaims.
GBA 2023 covers five categories: New Buildings (NB), Existing Buildings (EB), Research & Planning (RP), Building Products & Technologies (BPT), and Green Building Leadership (GBL). Industry practitioners are invited to nominate outstanding projects and organisations across any of these categories.
Online submissions is now available until 15 June 2023 at 6:00pm (Hong Kong Time). Don't miss your chance. Submit your nominations now!
- Submit your Nominations >>> www.gba.org.hk/login
- Download “Nomination Kit” >>> www.gba.org.hk/nomination-kit
About the Award
The biennial Green Building Award has been jointly organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2010, and was inaugurated by the PGBC in 2006. With the building industry's unfailing support over the years, the Award has become one of the highest accolades that recognises contributions towards a green built environment.
Sponsors are also welcome to support the Green Building Award this year as a collective force to cultivate wellbeing for our community and at the same time enjoy high level of exposure throughout the Award period. For more details, please check out the Sponsorship Package.
Hong Kong: Green Building in Action – Latest Update on Hong Kong's Green Building Achievements

The latest version of the “Hong Kong: Green Building in Action” brochure has just been published by the Hong Kong Green Building Council to provide an update on Hong Kong's green building development status. Containing the most up-to-date figures and concise new infographics, the brochure showcases the evolution of the city’s built environment, including the HKGBC’s efforts and initiatives, as well as the outstanding achievements of BEAM Plus, Hong Kong’s local green building assessment tool.
As of 31 December 2022, 3,164 buildings had been certified by BEAM Plus. The total estimated carbon emissions saved by assessed projects in the New Buildings category alone reached 1,182,700 tons per year, equivalent to planting 51.4 million trees.
The Council has implemented a number of initiatives to continue promoting market transformation, including a comprehensive Retro-commissioning Training and Registration Scheme, HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook, and the “Climate Change Framework for Buildings and Construction”, all of which are covered in the brochure. In recognition of the fast-growing green finance market in Hong Kong, the brochure also includes a dedicated section providing information on this topic. More details are available in the publication.
This infographic brochure is updated annually to help readers better understand the important initiatives and progress made by the Council, the Government and the industry in promoting green buildings and transforming Hong Kong into a greener, low-carbon city. The brochure is available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese to cater to all interested parties. You are welcome to read it HERE.
Hong Kong Green Building Week 2023 “Let's Unite! Green Building KOL Video Competition” - Call for Submissions!

The Hong Kong Green Building Week (HKGBW) is an annual public campaign co-organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). The 2023 campaign, which will be held from 23 to 29 September, is taking the theme of “Unite Green Building Powers, Fight for Carbon Neutrality by 2050!”. To echo this crucial theme, HKGBW 2023 will focus on four main Green Building Powers—namely Health and Well-being, Resource Efficiency, Environmental Friendliness, and Innovation Elements—in a diverse programme of fascinating activities and events that welcome public participation.
The “Let’s Unite! Green Building KOL Video Competition” is the opening programme of HKGBW 2023, inviting the public to become green building KOLs and join “Captain Green”, also known as the ever-upbeat KOL Chucky (CHAN Ching-nga), to explore the role green buildings play in the community. By using their creativity to produce videos that highlight the sustainable features of green buildings and their significance in society, competition entrants have the chance to win attractive prizes. The competition is calling for submissions from 1 June until 24 July.
This year's competition consists of two categories: the KOL Group and the Thematic Group. The KOL Group allows participants to use the viral Instagram Reels Remix feature to interact with a "Captain Green" video recorded by Chucky. The Thematic Group is further divided into a Parent-Child Group and Open Group to allow people of different ages to participate in the competition in different forms, as well as to explore and appreciate local green buildings and better understand their importance and benefits.
All participants are required to follow the guidelines from the "Green Building Guidebook", visit the designated green buildings, and capture the essence of the four Green Building Powers. It’s a fun challenge that will put their creativity and observation skills to the test! The Guidebook offers detailed information about the Green Building Powers of the designated buildings, as well as must-read tips for the video competition, providing participants with valuable insights and creative inspiration.
The fabulous prizes up for grabs include a GoPro action camera, Apple iPad, DJI smartphone stabilizer, Fujifilm instant camera, Fujifilm photo printer, Marshall Bluetooth speaker and more. Don't miss the chance to win great prizes by submitting your creative work before the deadline!

To get participants ready for the competition, a "Let's Unite! Green Building Guided Tour and Green Building KOL Workshop" will be held on 24 June. During the event, a professional tutor will share his valuable filming and editing tips as well as key insights on engaging with the audience. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to join an on-site guided tour of CIC-Zero Carbon Park, learning from green building professionals about its green building features.
The registration deadline for the free guided tour and video production workshop is 11 June. Seats are limited, so act fast to avoid missing out. Click HERE to learn more and sign up now!
HKGBW 2023 has many other inspirational events planned for the months ahead. Please stay tuned to the Campaign Website and HKGBC's Facebook page!

Chinese Versions of “BEAM Plus New Data Centres” are Now Available
Huge volumes of data are generated by businesses every day. This data is becoming increasingly valuable in business planning, goal setting, benchmarking, evaluations and assessments. Indeed, data centres have now become essential infrastructure to support many data-dependent business sectors such as financial services, trading, and logistics.
In view of the increasing emphasis on sustainable development in the Greater Bay Area, and in line with the Government’s policy to collaborate with Mainland China and Macao on environmental issues, selected BEAM Plus Assessment Tools have been translated into Chinese. Following the introduction of the Traditional and Simplified Chinese versions of “BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0”, the Chinese translation of “BEAM Plus New Data Centres” has recently been launched. Click HERE for more details.
Please click HERE to learn more about the BEAM Plus Data Centres scheme.

Traditional and Simplified Chinese Versions of “BEAM Plus New Data Centres”