Discover the Key Highlights of Chinachem Group Sustainability Report 2022-2023

MoU Signing Ceremony for Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong and the Launch of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version)
Exclusive Policy Luncheon 2024 – A Convergence of Vision and Strategy Between Government and Industry Leaders
Hong Kong: Green Building in Action – 2023 Edition Released with a Brand-new Interface

Discover the Key Highlights of Chinachem Group Sustainability Report 2022-2023

Chinachem Group has recently released its 4th Sustainability Report, outlining its unwavering commitment to sustainability and highlighting its efforts from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. Despite not being a publicly listed company, Chinachem Group recognises the vital importance of annual reporting as a means of communicating its endeavours and updates to the stakeholders.

Driven by its dedication to sustainable development, Chinachem Group actively contributes to society by adhering to the “3Ps”, a commitment that benefits People, brings Prosperity to the community, and preserves the Planet. With this overarching vision in mind, it has made substantial strides during the reporting period. The key achievements encompass the following:

Progressing with Our Community and People
  • The second “Playground for All” – Nina Park, has been renovated to showcase an extraordinary collection of museum-grade wood fossils. The park offers visitors an interactive experience to learn and enjoy the park’s green features.
  • Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West underwent a transformation by converting 100 rooms into up to 200 well-equipped hostel spaces, providing affordable accommodation for youth to pursue their self-development and dreams.

Empowering a Prosperous Future
  • Established the ESG Investment Guidelines and ESG Criteria in Technical Due Diligence to ensure the investment and building portfolio align with its sustainability values.
  • Secured around HK$4.8 billion in green loan in the reporting period. 58% of its total financing facilities are green or sustainability-linked.

Sustaining Our Planet
  • Reduced carbon intensity (scope 1 and 2) by 23% in 2022 compared to the 2020 baseline year, progressing towards the Group’s “CCG 3050+” SBTi validated target.
  • Partnered with CLP to introduce Hong Kong’s 1st zero-carbon chiller system at Nina Tower, incorporating cutting-edge technologies that achieve over 50% electricity reduction. An equivalent amount of green energy certificates matches the rest.

Looking Ahead
  • Pursuing B Corp certification in full swing to demonstrate commitment in creating positive impact on society and the environment while pursuing profit targets.
  • Announced plans to develop a net-zero roadmap in line with the SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard and conduct a physical climate risk assessment of its portfolio, including existing buildings and development sites.
  • Committed to making disclosure aligned with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations as part of the Group’s global commitment to being one of the early adopters.

Going forward, Chinachem Group is excited to continue advancing its efforts and growing sustainably with its stakeholders. The Group looks forward to sharing more progress in the near future.

Share your feedback: Chinachem Group Sustainability Report 2022-2023 Feedback Survey
Wood fossil and rainwater harvesting system at Nina Park 

Achieved remarkable results including a B rating in the CDP Climate Change and a 4-star GRESB rating in 2023


MoU Signing Ceremony for Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong and the Launch of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version)

Since its launch in 1996, the Building Environmental Assessment Method (or its latest name, BEAM Plus) has been a leading rating tool adopted in Hong Kong for assessing the sustainability performance of buildings. On 27 May, the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and BEAM Society Limited (BSL) announced the release of the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version) Version 1.0 and held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony for Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong. 

Guest of Honour Ms Bernadette LINN Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR, officiated the ceremony with Mr YE Shui-qiu, Deputy Director for General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr Nicholas HO Lik-chi, Commissioner for Belt and Road, The Government of the HKSAR, Mr POON Kwok-ying, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR, Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC, and Sr Frankie SO Hung-fai, 1st Vice-Chairperson of the BSL. Together, these esteemed guests heralded the further expansion of BEAM Plus’ influence to Mainland China and the rest of the world, including Belt and Road countries, Southeast Asia and Europe. Over 60 industry leaders were also in attendance to celebrate this important milestone to actively assist the development of green building in neighbouring and overseas regions.

As co-organisers of the ceremony, the HKGBC and BSL entered into MoUs with 13 developers and property management companies, institution and state-owned enterprises from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, including China Merchants Shekou Holdings, China Resources Property Management Limited, Chinachem Group, Emperor International Holding Limited, Great Eagle Holdings Limited, Hong Yip Service Company Limited, Hysan Development Company Limited, Kai Shing Management Services Limited, Macau University of Science and Technology, New World Development Company Limited, Sino Land Company Limited, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Swire Properties Limited. These parties have all pledged to explore the feasibility of applying the BEAM Plus family of tools to projects outside Hong Kong, demonstrating their support of Hong Kong’s green building industry and their enthusiasm to export Hong Kong’s expertise for the transformation of the global built environment.

The BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version) represents a more versatile tool that can adapt to different climate types and flexibly generate ratings based on applicable standards of different geographical locations. It can also work in synergy with other green building rating systems to provide a more comprehensive assessment of sustainability performance. This helps to strengthen Hong Kong's position as an international city and a provider of professional services, creating a better sustainable built environment for the world.

Photo Caption
Photo 1: Ms Bernadette LINN Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR (3rd right), officiated the MoU Signing Ceremony together with Mr YE Shui-qiu, Deputy Director for General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR (2nd right), Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (3rd left), Sr Frankie SO Hung-fai, 1st Vice-Chairperson of the BSL (1st right), Mr Nicholas HO Lik-chi, Commissioner for Belt and Road, The Government of the HKSAR (2nd left), and Mr POON Kwok-ying, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR (1st left).

Photo 2: Officiating guests, Ir Harry LAI, BBS, Executive Director of the HKGBC (1st left), and Ir CS HO, General Manager of the BSL (1st right), captured the memorable moment after signing the MoUs “Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong” with developers, property management companies, institutions and state-owned enterprises from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

Photo 3: Officiating guests took group photos with Directors of the HKGBC and BSL, and representatives from the Shenzhen Green Building Association, Green Labelling Committee of the HKGBC, and Marketing Committee of the BSL to witness the expansion of BEAM Plus into the mainland and international markets.

Photo 4: The HKGBC’s MoU Signing Ceremony for Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong brought together over 60 industry leaders and experts to witness BEAM Plus expanding beyond Hong Kong. This expansion will allow BEAM Plus to accumulate new experience and become an even more comprehensive green building assessment tool.


Exclusive Policy Luncheon 2024 – A Convergence of Vision and Strategy Between Government and Industry Leaders

This year marks the fifth edition of the Policy Luncheon hosted by the Council. We were greatly honoured to have Mr David LAM, JP, Under Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR, as our Guest of Honour. This exclusive gathering brought together C-level executives and top management from the HKGBC's Platinum and Gold Patron Members, fostering a high-level exchange of insights and policy discussions with the Government.
A Government representative, together with C-level executives and top management of Hong Kong’s leading developers, consultants, utility companies, and banking corporations, recently gathered for a mind-enriching exchange on topics related to sustainable buildings, carbon neutrality, and green finance.
During the Luncheon, Mr LAM shared the Government's focused agenda, highlighting the push for carbon neutrality, increased financial support, and the promotion of innovative, smart, green, and resilient strategies for new development areas. He emphasised the Government’s strong commitment to supporting green building initiatives, as well as the drive for digitalisation, BIM, and MiC through regional collaboration. Importantly, Mr LAM underscored the vital role of research and development in advancing these critical sustainability efforts, as well as the importance of promoting green finance to accelerate the progress of green building development.

We believe that, driven by the shared ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, this exclusive Policy Luncheon provided a meaningful platform for Patron Members to directly engage in conversation with the Government and other stakeholders. This allowed for the exchange of visionary views aimed at collaboratively promoting a more sustainable built environment in Hong Kong.
Mr David LAM delivered an insightful sharing on the Government's key agenda and actively interacted with Members to better understand the market's needs and hear constructive suggestions.
Members actively engaged in meaningful dialogue with Mr David LAM during the event.

Hong Kong: Green Building in Action – 2023 Edition Released with a Brand-new Interface


The Hong Kong Green Building Council has released the latest edition of “Hong Kong: Green Building in Action” to summarise the updates on Hong Kong's green building development status in 2023. The new edition is now available in a reader-friendly web format, featuring the most recent data and presented through concise and visually appealing infographics, making it easily accessible and enjoyable to read.

The report showcases the current development status of green building in Hong Kong, the key achievements of BEAM Plus, the Council’s strategic roadmap in leading the industry towards carbon neutrality, the growth of the green product market, as well as the latest capacity of green building practitioners, allowing the public to keep up with the evolving trends in Hong Kong's green building development.
As of 31 December 2023, 3,439 buildings had been certified for the first time by BEAM Plus. The total estimated carbon emissions saved by assessed projects in the New Buildings category alone reached 1.28 million tons per year, equivalent to planting 56 million trees. Furthermore, the BEAM Plus certified area per capita in Hong Kong reached over 7.32 m2, while the total area of soft landscaping in certified projects is equivalent to 189 Hong Kong Stadium pitches.

The report is updated annually to help readers better understand the important initiatives and progress made by the Council in promoting green building and creating a greener future. Downloadable factsheets are also available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. You are welcome to read them HERE.
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