[Press Release] “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015
Joint Hands to Create Ideal Living and Green Neighbourhood
Hong Kong, 29 March 2016 – At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris last year, world leaders agreed to restrict carbon dioxide emission. Buildings in Hong Kong currently account for 90% of Hong Kong’s annual electricity consumption and 60% of greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong. To achieve the goal of carbon reduction, primary concern should be given to buildings. Green building plays a key role in reducing the carbon emission of buildings. To allow the younger generation to further understand the significance of green building and its related standards, the Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (“HKGBC”) organised the fifth “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools (“Competition”). Thanks to the sponsorship of Environment and Conservation Fund and Environmental Campaign Committee as well as the tremendous support from various government bureaux, educational bodies, professional institutes and social welfare organisations, the Competition was successfully held again.
The entrants in the Primary and Secondary Divisions of Green Building Competition for Schools worked with the themes of “Green Educational Facilities” and “Green Neighbourhood” to develop their ideal green spaces through a wide range of formats including 2D entries, 3D models, multimedia entries and proposals. The HKGBC also organised the Green Building Tours cum Training Workshops with visits to green buildings in Hong Kong and training workshops delivered by Green Building professionals for participants to understand the basic concepts and related standards of green buildings, and how green buildings can integrate into ones daily life. This year’s competition had a record-high entry rate of 55 schools and a total of 142 teams with around 400 students. The entrants are divided into Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary divisions to compete for a total of 32 awards, including champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up and 5 merit awards for each division.
“The entries are of a very high standard this year,” said Sr Bay WONG, HKGBC Director, Task Force Chairman and the Judging Panel Chairman of Secondary Divisions of the HKGBC “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015, “The entries reflected that the students have taken great efforts in doing long-term data research for the Competition. Apart from showing environmental protection concepts, the entries have also comprehensively considered the involvement of citizens and a mission to induce behavioural change of citizens.”
The Champion of the Junior Primary Division LEE Kai-lok and LEE Wang-lok submitted a 3D model named “Castle of Wind Environmental Education Centre”. In the model, old cargos are redesigned into an integrated education centre comprises of the main education and exhibition block, hostel, low-carbon restaurant, organic greenhouse, fish fond, local farm and other structures. The judging panel thinks that this winning entry has incorporated a full range of green concepts and elements, including the use of renewable energy, environmental-friendly materials, solar-powered water heating system, natural lighting and ventilation, and so on. The design is very thoughtful and practical, with a high level of feasibility and completeness to be applied in real life. The judging panel also thinks that the students are very dedicated in the Competition and have turned their own thinking into a model.
WONG Cho-yeung, Champion of the Senior Primary Division last year, achieved another victory this year with his submission “Aquaponics Museum” 3D model. Wong’s submission was made of plastic bottles, straws, corrugated boxes and other recycled materials. The entry demonstrates various innovative ideas, such as the tilted roof, the winnow-basket-like rainwater collection system, sun tracking photovoltaic system and so on. The judging panel points out that the construction of the entry is very interesting, with different green facilities on all four sides. The originality of the entry as well as the outstanding and mature construction design are highly commended. The judges have also recognised the student’s ability to analyse and compare collected data. The entry also shows that the student has practically considered the actual execution of the entry in Hong Kong, which further demonstrates the student’s in depth knowledge of green technology.
The Champion of the Junior Secondary Division was won by CHUNG Sen-yu and HUNG Ying-kit with their green building proposal “Green Paradise in Kwai Chung”. The suggestion to redesign the abandoned Kwai Chung Park into a green community can provide a leisure activity hub for local residents and a place for them to acquire correct environmental knowledge. The proposal can also realistically improve the environmental issues in the surroundings and turn the place into a new landmark in Kwai Tsing District. The judging panel admires how the two students, who study in Kwai Chung district, have personally asked for local opinions, showed concerns on the local traffic problems and hoping that their proposal can suffice local needs and promote green concepts. To strengthen the feasibility of the proposal, the students have even emailed a government bureau for related information which demonstrates their devotion in the entry.
SUEN Ga-chun is the Champion of the Senior Secondary Division. His 3D model “Waterfront Community – Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation Area” is centred from the Lung Kwu Tan reclamation area. The planning of the whole area features residential developments with different facilities to achieve energy conservation. The judging panel is deeply impressed by the entry, commending that the student has considered the hardware, software and many other social factors in his entry. Apart from technological and green issues, the student has also thought about social sustainability issues like rich-poor disparity, which shows that the design is very all-rounded; and the construction of the model itself is also very meticulous. The panel is surprised that the entrant could complete such a large-scale and complicated urban planning project independently, and acknowledges that the work has demonstrated skills and standards that far beyond average secondary students.
To honour the winners for their outstanding performance and to heighten public awareness on green building, the HKGBC will organise the Award Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition of “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 from 20 May to 22 May at Stars Atrium, 1/F, Plaza Hollywood in Diamond Hill. All winning entries of the competition will be displayed. All are welcome.
For details of the Competition, please visit: http://competition.hkgbc.org.hk/en/default.php#.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organized under this Project do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Environment and Conservation Fund or Environmental Campaign Committee.
About the Hong Kong Green Building Council
The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member led organisation established in 2009 with the vision to help save the planet and improve the wellbeing of the people of Hong Kong by transforming the city into a greener built environment. The Founding Members of HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business Environment Council (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC). Its mission is to lead market transformation by advocating green policies to the Government; introducing green building practices to all stakeholders; setting design, construction and management standards for the building profession; and promoting green living to the people of Hong Kong.
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
Press contact
Claudio Lo / Mabel Lai
Joyous Communications
Tel: +852 2560 8551 / +852 2560 8669
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member led organisation established in 2009 with the vision to help save the planet and improve the wellbeing of the people of Hong Kong by transforming the city into a greener built environment. The Founding Members of HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business Environment Council (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC). Its mission is to lead market transformation by advocating green policies to the Government; introducing green building practices to all stakeholders; setting design, construction and management standards for the building profession; and promoting green living to the people of Hong Kong.
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
Press contact
Claudio Lo / Mabel Lai
Joyous Communications
Tel: +852 2560 8551 / +852 2560 8669
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
“My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 Winner List
Division | Prize | Winners | Winning entry | Preview |
Junior Primary Division (P.1–P.3) |
Champion | LEE Kai–lok,LEE Wang–lok | Castle of Wind Environmental Education Centre | ![]() |
1st Runner-up | LEUNG Lok-gi, LEUNG Lok-yin | Green Environmental Protection Educational Centre | ![]() |
2nd Runner-up | CHENG Ying-fung | Recycle and Joy Park | ![]() |
Senior Primary Division (P.4–P.6) |
Champion | WONG Cho-yeung | Aquaponics Museum | ![]() |
1st Runner–up | LIANG Wing-yan,YUM Sheung-yi | Education Complex | ![]() |
2nd Runner–up | Kayleigh HO | Green Earth Library | ![]() |
Junior Secondary Division (S.1–S.3) |
Champion | CHUNG Sen-yu, HUNG Ying-kit | Green Paradise in Kwai Chung | ![]() |
1st Runner–up | CHOI Tsz-him, LI Kai-nok, TAI Lung, WU Yong-wen | A Small but Sustainable Residential Plot at Tsing Yi Sai Shan Road | ![]() |
2nd Runner–up | FOK Ching-laam, GUAN Xiao-ye, HUANG Jie-ling, TING Tsz-yau,WU Jia-zhen | Space | ![]() |
Senior Secondary Division (S.4–S.6) |
Champion | SUEN Ga-chun | Waterfront Community – Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation Area | ![]() |
1st Runner-up | CHENG Nga-yuan,CHENG Man-hsin, KWAN Ka-ying,LAM Lut-yu,WONG Chiu-nok | Green Bus Stop | ![]() |
2nd Runner-up | WONG Ting-tao | A Little Step of Green Neighbourhood | ![]() |