Build a better future with us:
nominations open for new WorldGBC Board Members,
Regional Chairs and Vice Chairs

Board members and Regional Chair and Vice Chair positions. For our Board of Directors, we're looking for influential and experienced individuals to support us in our next level of impact and growth. We strongly encourage Established GBCs to put forward a number of influential individuals. By attracting great leaders to our Board of Directors, WorldGBC will subsequently grow in influence, meaning we will be able to grow our competency in fundraising and more resources will then flow to GBCs, as a result. To find out more about nominating candidates for our Board,click here.
For the Regional Chair and Vice Chair positions, we're looking for leaders from Established GBCs to help strengthen our five Regional Networks: Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and MENA. Please contact your respective regional head for more information.
All nominations are due by 31 March 2019. Board Directors, Regional Chairs and Vice Chairs are appointed for a two year term commencing 1 July 2019.
Thank you for your ongoing support and active involvement.
Yours sincerely
Cristina Gamboa, CEO, World Green Building Council
Join us at MENA Green Building Congress
We're now less than three weeks away from the inaugural MENA Green Building Congress 2019! Join us in Amman, Jordan from 24-26 February for an action packed three days of activities. On Sunday 24 February, the MENA Regional Network meeting will take place, and the MENA Green Building Congress will take place from Monday 25 to Tuesday 26 February. Sponsored by Majid Al Futtaim and with support from Jordan Green Building Council, the event will see expert international speakers discussing topics including sustainable reconstruction and rehabilitation; embodied carbon and indigenous building techniques. There will also be thematic sessions on WorldGBC projects Advancing Net Zero and Better Places for People. Following the Congress, there will also be an optional trip to the incredible Petra - don't miss it! Register here for what will be a fantastic and engaging event. For more information, contact Mohammad Asfour - [email protected]
WorldGBC joins partnership to beat air pollution
Last month, WorldGBC commenced a Partnership with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). Led by UN Environment, the CCAC is a global programme dedicated to reducing the impact of short-lived climate pollutants on both human health and climate change. Through this partnership, WorldGBC and its member Green Building Councils will offer a focus and expertise around the building and construction industry by contributing project resource and collateral through WorldGBC's Better Places for People global project. The CCAC leads a global initiative around health, part of which is the internationally-recognised ‘BreatheLife2030’ campaign alongside the World Health Organisation. WorldGBC will contribute to this initiative through its own ‘Air Quality in the Built Environment’ campaign in spring 2019. For more information, contact Catriona Brady - [email protected]
New resources available for recruitment for Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment
This week, we published a set of documents for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment on Basecamp, WorldGBC's Members' Area. Aimed primarily at GBCs, these documents include a handbook outlining the opportunities for GBCs to leverage member engagement through the Commitment, and a number of documents to support with recruitment to promote leadership from within your markets. In other news from the project, Singapore GBC has joined Advancing Net Zero in recognition of their work to promote action towards net zero buildings. Meanwhile, the action plans for cities that have joined the Commitment have been published on WorldGBC's website -see here. Lastly, we're pleased to announce the State of California has recently joined the Commitment, the first state in the USA to do so. For more information, contact Victoria Burrows - [email protected]
Last call for input on BPFP metrics framework

Meet WorldGBC's new members of staff
We're delighted to introduce you to the two newest members of the WorldGBC team: Allan Han-Huei Teo, Regional Head for the Asia Pacific Regional Network and Sarah Millar, Partnerships Advisor. Allan joins WorldGBC with over 20 years of experience in both private and public sector and will be working with our 15 Green Building Councils and Regional Partners in Asia Pacific to advance the network and green building movement. With a background in UK, EU and international climate change policy and advocacy, Sarah has joined WorldGBC to advise on global partnerships and to facilitate the relationships with global and regional partners including the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, Partnerships for Growth (P4G), and the Building Efficiency Accelerator, amongst others. You can read their bios on our website here.
Let us share your green building triumphs
How are our Green Building Councils helping to achieve green buildings for everyone, everywhere? Thought leadership plays a major part, and we want to showcase your achievements, leadership and innovation through our communications. We're always looking for stories to tell from our Green Building Councils and partners that will be of interest and value to our global audience. Right now we're looking for content centred primarily on the following themes: decarbonisation, sustainable finance, circular economy and health and wellbeing. With International Women's Day coming up on 8 March, we're also keen to showcase the women leading our green building movement towards industry transformation. If you would like to share your news and developments with us or contribute a blog, contact Georgie Eldridge - [email protected]
Our Corporate Advisory Board

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