
Hong Kong Organising Committee & Sub-Committees
Organising Committee
The Organising Committee of Hong Kong’s Participation in WSB14 is led by the International and Mainland Affairs Committee (IMC) of the HKGBC. It leads and ensures Hong Kong’s high-level participation in the WSB14; and to act as the decision body for its major decisions, including the delivery of keynote speech, three debate sessions, exhibition booth, the Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Building 2014, and formation of the Hong Kong Delegation.
No. | Role | Name |
1 | Chairman | Sr Sam CHENG |
2 | Vice Chairman | Mr Evans IU |
3 | Member | Ir Cary CHAN |
4 | Member | Mr HW CHEUNG |
5 | Member | Mr Paul CHONG |
6 | Member | Dr Benny CHOW |
7 | Member | Ms Anna KWONG |
8 | Member | Mr John KWONG |
9 | Member | Ir Keith LAM |
10 | Member | Ir Peter LEE |
11 | Member | Prof. Andrew LEUNG |
12 | Member | Dr Hongyu LI |
13 | Member | Prof. CS POON |
14 | Member | Mr Christopher TO |
15 | Member | Mr Mark TUNG |
16 | Member | Ir Prof. SC WONG |
17 | Member | Ir Dr Raymond YAU |
Scientific Sub-Committee
The Scientific Sub-committee is responsible for coordinating with the Development Bureau and the Organising Committee of the WSB14 to steer the scientific & technical content of WSB14 – HK’s Participation and provide input and advice on the keynote speech, and three debate sessions owned by the HKGBC, and to nominate and invite speakers and moderators for the sessions; as well as to prepare for the final proposal of Global Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2017 (Global SBE17).
No. | Role | Name |
1 | Chairman | Ir Dr Raymond YAU |
2 | Vice Chairman | Sr Sam CHENG |
3 | Member | Mr Simon LAI |
4 | Member | Prof. Peter LEE |
5 | Member | Prof. Andrew LEUNG |
6 | Member | Prof. Edward NG |
7 | Member | Dr Trevor NG |
8 | Member | Prof. CS POON |
9 | Member | Mr Larry POON |
Hong Kong Report and Exhibition Sub-Committee
The Hong Kong Report and Exhibition Sub-committee steers the content direction and all related preparation work of the Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Building 2014 and Exhibition booth; and to set selection criteria, review and shortlist the project or other related submissions.
No. | Role | Name |
1 | Chairman | Ir Cary CHAN |
2 | Vice Chairman | Dr Benny CHOW |
3 | Member | Mr Michael CHOI |
4 | Member | Mr Clarence FUNG |
5 | Member | Mr Simon LAI |
6 | Member | Mr Keith LAM |
7 | Member | Ms Vivian LEE |
8 | Member | Mr MK LEUNG |
9 | Member | Mr Alvin LO |
10 | Member | Dr Thomas TANG |
11 | Member | Mr Mark TUNG |
12 | Member | Prof. SC WONG |