Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Built Environment 2020


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Published every three years, the Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Built Environment 2020 (Hong Kong Report 2020) aims to provide an overview of the current state of Hong Kong’s built environment, demonstrating how the Government, the industry, the academic sector and the community work together to respond to the call for sustainability to shape a greener Hong Kong. 

The report is the essence of numerous parties’ contribution. Over 100 outstanding projects and case studies are featured in this report and you are assured this is the most comprehensive report on Hong Kong’s latest green building development that you don’t want to miss. 

We hope you enjoy all these unique and successful stories of Hong Kong!

Table of Content of Hong Kong Report 2020
  Messages from Government Officials and Organisers (CIC and HKGBC)
1 Introduction
  • Introduction of the background and current situation of Hong Kong’s development of sustainable built environment
2 Government Policies
  • Key government policies related to sustainable built environment in Hong Kong
3 Driving the Green Built Environment Industry in Hong Kong 
  • Roles and initiatives of CIC and HKGBC in Hong Kong’s development of sustainable built environment
Community Engagement [Open call for contribution]
  • Showcase of local projects / programmes / initiatives to boost public awareness on sustainability
5 Public and Industry Projects [Open call for contribution]
  • Showcase of local top-notch sustainable building projects by both public and private sectors
6 Research and Planning [Open call for contribution]
  • Showcase of completed or on-going researches of latest technologies and implementation of ideas for sustainable built environment
7 Conclusion
8 Recap on Hong Kong’s Participation in WSBE2020
9 Acknowledgements
10 Timeline with Hong Kong and global milestones of sustainable built environment 
For any enquiries, please email to [email protected] .